Chapter 2

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the next day

She arrives at Bruno's home feeling nervous about seeing him after last night and Leila hasn't been nervous about being around Bruno since her first day working for him but she has a reprieve as he calls her as she starts going through his mail and he tells her, that Eric needs to see me asap, I don't know how long i'll be but i'll try and save you one of the donuts that i've just bought and she tells him, sweet, I hope everything is ok.

It's almost noon when Bruno walks into his home office and he walks over behind her desk and starts petting Geronimo who loves to lie at her feet and Leila's glad that she's on the phone and she looks away from Bruno and concentrates on what the head designer at cross colors is telling her and when she gets off the phone Bruno says hey to her and she turns to him and tells him, hey, that was cross colors, they want to know how your designs are coming along and Bruno tells her, i've just got a few finishing touches to do then they can have them and she asks him, do you want me to let them know that or will you and he tells her, you can tell them and without another word to him she picks up the phone and does just that.

She has managed for the past hour to act like business as usual with Bruno and she starts going through his emails with him that need his response and he asks her, so you're not going to say anything to me and Leila stops and looks at him and tells him, right, sorry I forgot, is everything ok with Eric and Bruno sighs and gets up from sitting on the corner of her desk which is a habit of his and he turns her chair around towards him and he tells her, yeah, he's good, he was just worried and needed help choosing what to get Cindia for her birthday but that's sorted now and he stares at her and tells her, lets go have lunch.

It was easy making sandwiches with Bruno for lunch like they've done countless times before, and Leila wishes she could say the same for talking to him, because other than work she doesn't know what to say to him after their kiss last night and she hates the tension and awkwardness there is between them now which is broken a little when he gets up when they finish eating their sandwiches and grabs a box off the counter and he brings it over and places it in front of her and opens it to reveal 4 jelly donuts making her smile and she asks him, are these for me and he tells her, no, they're for us and the emphasis when he'd said us isn't lost on her.

It's as they're heading back into the office after lunch that Bruno asks her, how do you feel about our kiss last night and Leila doesn't know what to say and continues walking to her desk and he walks over to her and stands in front of her and tells her, you can't ignore this, it's not going away, tell me how you feel Leila and she tells him, I don't know what you want, you caught me off guard last night Bruno, you're one of my best friends and I don't want to jeopardise our friendship, I don't want to lose you and she gets no further as Bruno cups her face with his hands and tells her, you're one of my best friends too and I don't want to lose our friendship either, but I can't go on denying how I feel about you anymore and I know from the way you kissed me back last night that you have feelings for me too and I think we'd be really good together if you'll let us, and I know you've not dated or wanted to date anyone since you broke up with Damon, but i'm not just anyone, you know me, lets see where our feelings for each other takes us, unless you're still in love with Damon and she tells him, I cared about Damon but I was never in love with him and I never want another relationship like the one I had with him.

She is hoping that Bruno will drop the subject and he tells her, I don't know why you broke up with him Leila, you'll talk to me about anything except that and i've respected that and he asks her, if you didn't love Damon then other than our friendship why are you holding back on your feelings for me and she tells him, i'm not proud about what went on between Damon and I and I would be lying if I said i've never thought of us being together Bruno or that I don't have feelings for you or that I can forget our kiss last night but the thought of it not working out between us and you not being part of my life anymore kills me and before she can say anything else Bruno kisses her and just like last night Leila kisses him back and pulls back when she gets breathless finding that she is sitting on top of her desk with Bruno standing in between her legs and she's holding on tight to his back while one of his hands is holding her neck and the other is gripping her waist firmly and Leila leans her head on Bruno's shoulder and wonders how did we get here and she gets no further with her thoughts as she hears Ryan shout Geronimo where you at and she feels panicked at the thought of Ryan seeing them like this and she lets go of Bruno and pulls away from him and gets off her desk and she pats her hair down, pulls down her skirt and tucks her shirt back into her skirt and starts randomly going through the papers on her desk as Ryan walks into the office.

She watches as Geronimo comes out from behind her desk and goes to Ryan and she says hi to Ryan and he says hi back to her and Leila goes back to keeping herself busy and not looking at Bruno and she tunes them out until Bruno waves his hand in front of her face making her jerk back and he tells her, relax, Ryan's gone, he's taken Geronimo to the dog groomers and Leila breaths a sigh of relief and doesn't know whether to be thankful or mad that Ryan had come when he had, she has no idea what would have happened if he hadn't and she's glad when Bruno's phone starts ringing off the hook keeping him busy and then when he has to leave for a meeting he tells her before he leaves, think about what I said and think about this, you mean a lot to me Leila, i'm not playing with you, I never would and i'd never risk what we have if I didn't think we could have and be so much more together.

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