Chapter 44

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Fri 4 days later

He looks over at Leila and sees that she looks sad, it's the same look he's seen on her face many times since Monday and she won't talk to him about it and he can't stand it anymore and he gets up and walks over behind her desk and leans against it and says to her we need to talk and she looks at him and asks him what about and he replies about why you've been sad since Monday baby and why you've been a bit distant with me and she sighs and tells him i'm sorry, i'm just working through a few things right now and he asks her what things and she stands up and replies please leave this alone and she moves to walk by him and Bruno puts his arms around her and tells her, I hate seeing you like this, i'm not letting this drop this time damn it, tell me what's bothering you and making you sad, maybe I can help and Leila looks at him and tells him, fine, let me go and i'll tell you and he lets her go and she steps back from him.

She looks at Bruno and wishes that she didn't have to tell him and she sighs and tells him when I went back to school after i'd healed from being knocked down by the police, everybody was talking and whispering about me and looking at me with pity, even the teachers and because what happened to me was in the newspapers and the fact that at 14 years old I would never be able to have children, some of the girls stayed away from me like it was something they could catch from me, some girls wanted to know more about what happened, a few girls teased me cruelly about it and a few boys tried to get me to sleep with them because there would be no complications for them afterwards and I only had 2 friends, Dee Dee and Whitney who treated me as they always have and Bruno says son of a bitch and she swallows hard and looks away from him and says for 8 months I was miserable, I felt ashamed, I felt like an alienated, inadequate, freak and when your sisters and Cindia looked at me with pity after I told them I can't have children and why on Monday, it brought all those old feelings back to me and their not easy to shake off and Bruno steps forward and wraps his arms around her and she leans her head against his chest and he tells her i'm sorry you went through that Leila but I know my sisters and Cindia's look of pity was coming from sympathy and empathy for you and she sighs and replies I know that and he asks her what happened after 8 months and she wraps her arms around his waist and replies my parents moved us all to Boston to give me a fresh start and although I didn't miss my old high school, I never stopped missing L.A so when I was allowed access to the settlement from the police when I was 18 years old, I paid off my parents mortgage, got them new cars and sent them on holiday to Italy for a week and I took my brother and sister to Disneyland and when my parents came home, I came back to L.A, bought my house and a car and I had to change jobs twice because even though i'd accepted that I can't have children, a few of the people I worked with went to my old high school and they remembered me and it was awkward and I couldn't stand their looks of pity so I quit and then I decided that maybe the best job for me would be as a personal assistant where there was less people to work with and that's when I got the job working for you and Bruno pulls back from her a little and lifts her face up to his but she can't bring herself to look into his eyes and he asks her why didn't you tell me all this before and she sighs and replies because I hate talking about it and I couldn't stand it if you looked at me with pity too Bruno and he replies I hate that you went through all that and were made to feel the way you felt and i'm beyond sorry that you can't have children Leila but I don't pity you baby and she looks into his eyes and feels relief shoot through her at seeing nothing but love in his eyes and he says after hearing everything you went through, it makes me love you more baby and I didn't think that was possible and she starts to cry and he pulls her against him and rubs her back and says I hate seeing you unhappy and he kisses the top of her head and holds her as she continues to cry.

She walks into the office after fixing her make up after all the tears she'd cried and walks over behind her desk where Bruno is standing petting Geronimo and he looks up and smiles at her and she smiles back at him and rubs Geronimo's head and Bruno asks her, how are you feeling now and she steps closer to him and replies I feel better, Martha told me I should tell you what was troubling me and she was right and Bruno replies you know you can always talk to me about anything and she replies I know that, I know that we can talk to each other about anything but I didn't want to burden you with my baggage and Bruno stops smiling and tells her, you could never burden me Leila, but I can't help you or try to if I don't know what's wrong, all I want is for you too be happy, I want to make you happy and I can't do that if you shut me out and she cups his face with her hands and replies you're right and i'm sorry, you do make me happy and I don't know what I did to deserve you but i'm so glad I have you, I love you and she kisses him and pulls back and he leans his head against hers and smiles and replies I love you too baby and the calm and joy she feels from hearing him tell her that he loves her after everything she's told him makes her old feelings from the past that have been dogging her for the last 4 days go away and she hopes they stay away.

He understands now why Leila has been the way she has for the last 4 days and he hopes nobody else makes her feel that way again and he's glad she finally told him what has been bothering her but there is something he wants to know and to make a point with her to ensure she doesn't keep things from him again and he lifts his head and she looks up at him and he asks her what would you do if you knew something was bothering me, that I was unhappy and I wouldn't talk to you about it and I was shutting you out and she drops her hands from his face and clasps her hands at the back of his neck and strokes the back of his neck with her thumbs and replies I wouldn't be as patient as you've been with me and i'd bug the shit out of you until you opened up to me and told me what's wrong and he grins at her and she narrows her eyes and tells him I see what you're getting at Bruno and I won't shut you out again and he smirks and replies good, because if you do it again baby, i'm going to fucking spank you hard and she replies oh really and he replies let me show you and before she knows what's happening he lifts her up and carries her up to their bedroom where he pulls her shorts off and rips her thong off and spanks her ass hard as he slides in and out of her and fucks her from behind as she braces herself against their bedroom door that he'd barely managed to close as he couldn't wait to fuck her any longer and she moans in pleasure as he fucks her hard and continues to spank her ass and he feels Leila come and she cries out his name and he lets himself go and fucks her harder and comes, breathing hard just like her and he whispers in her ear, I told you I was going to spank you hard baby and he kisses the side of her neck and pulls her back against him and wraps his arms around her and closes his eyes and wishes they could stay like this.

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