Chapter 46

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Tues 6 days later

She clings to Bruno as he leans heavily against her in the shower after having sex with him again and with her voice hoarse from him making her scream so much that day she tells him if we keep this up i'm not going to have any voice left or be able to walk and Bruno laughs a little and stands up and kisses her and he pulls back and replies well you asked me this morning after you woke me up with sex if there was anything I wanted to do today for my birthday and like I told you, all I want to do, is you baby, i'm sorry if i've hurt you and he kisses her again as she sighs from what he's said and he leans his head against hers and she tells him you've not hurt me horn dog, but my kitty is sore and I honestly don't think I can take anymore today and she really doesn't think she can and she's lost count of how many times they've had sex since this morning, and to pull off what she's planned for Bruno's birthday tonight she needs to be able to walk and she kisses him and strokes his chest and says look, we need to get washed and get out of here and get ready and dressed and she shakes her head and says I hope we're not going to be late for dinner and Bruno replies I know you want to take me out to dinner but how about we just stay home, order food to be delivered and just chill and she would love that, she really would but not tonight and she replies I think in order for my kitty to definitely get a rest from you then we need to go out to dinner and Leila breathes a sigh of relief when he replies ok and she tells him turn around birthday boy, show me that ass and i'll wash your back and Bruno laughs and gives her a quick kiss and turns around and wiggles his ass a little making her laugh and she spanks both cheeks of his ass and he turns just enough to look at her and says hey and she tells him it's about time I spanked you for a change and he grins and replies maybe and he turns around and she soaps up his wash cloth and washes his back.

He puts the new black fedora on his head that Leila gave him for his birthday along with the new Versace shirt he's wearing and he looks in the mirror in his closet and he looks sharp even if he does say so himself and he smiles as his girl really knows what he likes and he leaves his closet and stops at seeing Leila standing by their bedroom door in a short cobalt blue dress and tells her damn, you look good and he walks towards her and she replies thanks you're looking good too and he grins and stops in front of her and kisses her and she pulls back and tells him, enough of that, we need to go horn dog and he laughs and takes her hand and tells her lead the way baby and they walk downstairs and outside and get in the car where Lonnie and Dave are waiting for them and Lonnie starts to drive and Bruno looks at Leila and asks her so where are we going for dinner and she smiles and replies wait and see and kisses him and he can't help thinking like he has for the last 2 days that Leila is up to something.

The car stops and Bruno looks out the window and turns to Leila and sees that she's holding a black silk scarf and he smirks and asks her is that for me and she smiles and replies yes and he shrugs and turns away from her and tells her go for it baby and she ties the black silk scarf around the top of his head and tells him to turn around and he does and she makes sure that he can't see anything and tells Lonnie to drive on and Bruno asks her what are you up to and she laughs and kisses his cheek and tells him wait and see and he shrugs as he knows whatever it is he'll probably love it.

The car stops and Leila tells Bruno to wait and Dave opens his door and helps Bruno out as Leila gets out of the car on the other side and walks around the car and she takes hold of Bruno's right hand and leads him into the restaurant and she smiles as she sees everyone and she nods at Mario and everyone shouts happy birthday and Bruno jerks a little bit and laughs as she takes the black silk scarf off his head and he looks around their favourite restaurant and sees his band, his 4 sisters, his brother Eric and his wife Cindia and his dad and his closest friends and a large banner hanging across the ceiling saying happy birthday Bruno and there are some large gold balloons with 34 on them throughout the restaurant and he turns to Leila and tells her thanks for this baby and kisses her and she pulls back and tells him you're welcome and leads him over to everybody and waiters and waitresses walk around offering everyone a glass of champagne.

She waits until everyone's dinner plates are collected by waiters and waitresses and she kisses Bruno and tells him wait here and she walks to the small stage she had Mario set up and walks onto it and taps the microphone on the stand and clears her still hoarse throat and says into the microphone, I want to thank everyone for coming here tonight and for not telling Bruno about his surprise party and she looks over at Bruno and says we're all here tonight to celebrate you're 34th birthday Bruno and I hope you're enjoying it and Phil shouts out, next birthday you'll have a ball and chain Bruno and everyone laughs and Bruno shouts back at Phil I can't wait man, i'll wear them with pride and everyone laughs including her and she says with or without the ball and chain Bruno, I just want you to be happy, always, I love you, now get your ass up here and she starts to sing happy birthday and everyone sings along with her and Bruno joins her on the stage and puts his arm around her waist and as everyone finishes singing 2 waiters carry a large, life size, realistic looking birthday cake of Bruno's head onto the stage with a 3 and a 4 candle on it that are lit and she tells Bruno make a wish and blow the candles out and Bruno looks at her and blows the candles out and everyone cheers and forgetting about the microphone Leila tells the waiters nobody but me gets his lips and she looks at the microphone in shock as it had picked up every word she's just said and everyone including Bruno laughs and Bruno pulls her to him and kisses her and whispers in her ear only you can have my lips and only I can have yours and he kisses the side of her neck and she laughs and he takes her hand and starts to lead her off the stage and she tells him not yet and leads him over to the microphone and looking at him she says into the microphone, i've got 1 more surprise for you, everyone please welcome Boyz II Men and as the band walk onto the stage the red curtain that had been hiding their instruments and microphones is pulled open by a waiter from both sides of the stage and everyone claps and cheers and Bruno grins and says hi to his friends Boyz II Men and thanks them for coming and Leila tells them the same and she takes hold of Bruno's right hand and leads him off the stage and onto the floor in front of it and she clasps her hands at the back of Bruno's neck as Boyz II Men start to sing I'll make love to you and Bruno kisses her and whispers in her ear thank you baby and wraps his arms around her and they sway to the music and after a couple of minutes, those that have come to Bruno's surprise birthday party with a partner join them on the floor and dance.

She laughs as Bruno tries and fails for the 4th time to unlock the front door of their house, he can't even get the key to go into the lock and she looks over her shoulder and tells Lonnie we're too drunk, please unlock the door for us and he walks over shaking his head and Bruno hands him his keys and Lonnie unlocks the door and opens it and gives the keys back to Bruno and asks them are you 2 going to be ok getting upstairs to bed and she giggles and tells him we'll make it and Bruno replies we can do it, don't believe me, just watch and Leila and Lonnie laugh and he tells Bruno if you say so and Leila and Bruno stumble into the house and close the front door and she looks at the stairs and tells Bruno, I think we're too drunk to make it up the stairs and he shakes his head and tells her, nah, together we can do anything baby and he puts his arm around her waist and she puts her arm around his and they slowly walk up the stairs, laughing whenever one of them loses their balance and when they finally reach their bedroom they go in and drunkenly stumble over to their bed and Leila kicks her black sandals off and drops her bag onto the floor and falls onto their bed giggling and she looks over and watches Bruno toe off his shoes and he takes his hat off and puts it on top of his night stand and he takes his jacket off and drops it onto the floor and gets onto the bed beside her and puts his arm over her waist and kisses her and he pulls back and she strokes his hair with her right hand and plays with his hair and tells him we're a hot, drunk mess and he replies yeah, but there's nobody else i'd rather be a hot, drunk mess with baby and she smiles and kisses him and he strokes her waist and tells her I love you, thanks for a great birthday baby and she tells him I love you too and i'm so happy you've enjoyed your birthday and he kisses her gently and she falls asleep playing with his hair. 

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