Chapter 71

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4 days later

She plays with Bruno's hair as they lie naked in front of the fire on top of a soft, thick, white, fluffy blanket after having sex for the second time since they got home from having dinner at Mario's and she looks at the white and red rose petals on the floor and at the window where the large heart shaped flower arrangement is that has red roses on the outside of the heart and white roses inside the heart and Bruno kisses her shoulder and tells her, the red roses are for us being together 10 months today and the white roses are for us being married 2 months today and she smiles and tells him, you're so sweet and thoughtful, they're beautiful and she kisses him and tells him, I love you and Bruno smiles and tells her, I love you too Leila and she asks him, so the flowers, petals and blanket are the reason why you asked me to stay out of the family room this afternoon and Bruno kisses her and tells her, yeah, I wanted to surprise you when we got home tonight and she tells him, mission accomplished and Bruno smiles looking pleased with himself and she kisses him and tells him, i've got a little surprise for you too and she gets up and picks Bruno's Versace shirt up from the floor that he had been wearing earlier and puts it on fastening the bottom 3 buttons and Bruno asks her, where are you going and Leila looks at him lying naked in the low lighting in front of the fire and despite already having sex with him twice, she wants him again and Bruno tells her huskily, come here baby and as much as she wants to, Leila reminds herself why she got up and put his shirt on and she shakes her head and tells him, i'll be back before you know it and Bruno groans and she leaves the family room quickly.

She smiles as she reaches the family room and she's about to walk in when she hears Bruno talking, sounding mad and she hears him say, you shouldn't have done that Jaime, Leila won't like it, especially after she told you how she felt and that's putting it mildly, take it fucking down sis and Leila's heard enough and she walks in and sees Bruno sitting naked on the sofa and he looks at her and she asks him, what won't I like and he pulls his phone away from his ear and says shit and she walks over to the coffee table and puts the tray she's carrying with chocolate covered strawberries that she'd made that afternoon, the chilled bottle of champagne that she'd got out of the fridge and the 2 champagne flutes on top of it and she walks over to Bruno and tells him, tell me what's going on, better yet, since you're talking to Jaime about me, just put her on speaker phone.

He wishes he'd never answered his fucking phone, and he silently asks himself, why did this have to happen tonight when he and Leila had been having such a good night and Leila says his name and Bruno looks at her and knows that this isn't going to go down well, but he doesn't see what choice he has and he tells Leila, ok and he presses the speaker on his phone and they hear his sister Jaime say, hello, are you there bro, what's going on and Leila says, that's what i'd like to know Jaime and for a moment there's complete silence and Jaime says, oh, hey Leila, Bruno's just over reacting and Leila asks her, about what and Jaime tells Leila, I filmed you singing at your party and I posted the video on youtube this afternoon and it's almost got 50,000 views now, everybody loves it and Bruno can tell that Leila is angry and he gets up and reaches for her and she steps back from him and tells Jaime, how dare you, you had no fucking right, you knew how singing at the party made me feel, and you've disrespected me by doing as you fucking please and disregarding my feelings or even asking me about it and Jaime tells Leila, I just thought if other people saw it and told you how good you can sing then it'd make you feel better about it and Leila explodes and tells Jaime, I don't give a fuck what other people think, I told you how I felt, which obviously means nothing to you, but here's something that might, remove the video or i'll get legal advice about taking legal action against you to get you to remove the video and Bruno is shocked because he can tell Leila means every word she's just said and Jaime tells Leila, I respect you, of course I do, you can't be serious about taking legal action against me and Leila looks at him and tells Jaime, try me, actions speak louder than words and yours have spoken volumes and shown me that you clearly don't give a damn about my feelings or respect me, bringing a law suit against you is the last thing I want to do, but if that's the only way to get you to remove the video from youtube then that's exactly what i'll do and Jaime asks him, help me out here bro and Bruno tells her, I tried to help you when I told you to take the video down and that Leila wouldn't like it, you've brought this on yourself sis and Jaime tells them, fine, i'll remove the fucking video and Leila tells her, do it now and Jaime tells her, alright and there's silence for a few minutes and Jaime tells them, i've removed the video from youtube and she asks Leila, are you happy now and Bruno can see that Leila looks relieved but she's far from happy, she's still angry.

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