Chapter 73

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3 days later

She puts the apple pie and peach cobbler that she's made for Eric and Cindia into separate plastic containers and Bruno asks her, are you sure you don't want to come with me and Leila sighs and tells him, Bruno we talked about this last night, it's too soon for me to be around Jaime again, the last thing I want is to cause a scene or start arguing with her in Eric and Cindia's home in front of the kids, it's for the best that you go without me and Leila hates the disappointed look on Bruno's face and she strokes his jaw and tells him, it's for the best I don't go today and as much as you don't like it, you know i'm right and Bruno leans his head against hers and tells her, yeah, I know you're probably right, but it sucks and she kisses him and tells him, go spend time with your family, have fun, tell Eric, Cindia and the kids I say hi and I send them my love and i'll see you when you get home.

He grits his teeth and tells himself silently, just ignore her Bruno and he forces a smile as his niece Mila comes over to him and asks him, where's Leila and Jaime asks him, why isn't Leila here with you bro and Bruno manages to stop himself from replying angrily to Jaime and he tells Mila, Leila's busy with chores sweetie, but like I told you when I got here, Leila told me to tell you hi and she sends her love to you, your brother and sister and your mom and dad and Mila tells him, I miss Leila and Bruno hugs her and tells her, I miss her too and he sees Jaime roll her eyes and she tells him, Leila must have a hell of a lot of chores to do for her not to be here today and he tells her, be careful sis, you don't want to go there with me, trust me, so be very fucking careful with what you say and Mila gasps and Eric tells him, watch your mouth bro and Bruno grits his teeth and tells him, i'm sorry bro and he tickles Mila and tells her, i'm sorry for my potty mouth and hearing Mila laugh as he tickles her eases a bit of the anger and tension he feels and Jaime tells him, I don't see what the big deal is or what your problem is bro and Bruno tells Mila, go play with your brother and sister sweetie and as soon as Mila is out of ear shot he tells Jaime angrily, you've got some fucking nerve sis, acting like everything's fine, your shit don't stink and you've done nothing fucking wrong, you've got no idea about the pain and fucking trouble you've caused, and I doubt you'd fucking care even if you did know and Eric comes over to him and tells him, enough, ease up bro and Cindia asks him, what's going on and Jaime tells him, you're being ridiculous and acting crazy Bruno and Bruno feels so angry that he knows he can't stay any longer and he looks away from Jaime and tells Eric and Cindia, i'm sorry, i'm gonna go and they both ask him to stay and he shakes his head and tells them, i'm too mad to stay so it's for the best that I just leave and he hugs them and waves to the kids as he walks out of the backyard and Bruno hopes he's calmed down by the time he gets home.

She walks into the house and hears the tv and she walks over to the family room and sees Bruno lying on the sofa with Geronimo lying down by his feet and she walks into the family room and Bruno smiles as he sees her and Leila can tell that something is wrong and she walks over to Bruno and sits down by his side and strokes his forehead and Leila's relieved that it feels cool and she asks him, are you ok, why are you home so early, is everything alright and Bruno turns the tv off and tells her, i'm fine, Eric, Cindia and the kids send their love, they miss you and Cindia said thanks for the apple pie and peach cobbler and he asks her, how was coffee with your friends baby, how are they and she tells him, it was good, they're all fine and they told me to tell you hi, please tell me what's wrong and Leila has a feeling that for Bruno to not answer her and change the subject, that something is very wrong.

He can tell that Leila is worried and he strokes her hand and tells her, I kind of lost my shit and blew up at Jaime, a bit, which is why I left early and came home and Leila squeezes his hand and tells him, i'm sorry Bruno and he shakes his head and tells her, it's not your fault baby, I was getting angrier and angrier as Jaime continued to act like everything is ok and she's done nothing wrong and then she said a few things and I said a few things and he laughs and tells Leila, you didn't go with me today because you didn't want to cause a scene or argue with Jaime at Eric and Cindia's in front of the kids, and that's exactly what I did, damn, the irony and Leila tells him, the last thing I wanted was to come between you and Jaime and Bruno can tell that Leila is upset and he tells her, I know that and you're not baby, this is on Jaime, it pissed me off with how she was acting like everything is fine and fucking dandy when she's hurt you and caused trouble for us and I need her to know that's not ok and apologise, I want her to fucking feel bad, I want her to feel guilty and ashamed for what she fucking did, I don't think I can move on from this with her until she does, damn it and he closes his eyes and Leila strokes his face and tells him, you need to do what's best for you Bruno and you need to tell Jaime how you feel and what you need and want from her so you 2 can be ok with each other again, but try not to be disappointed if she doesn't feel how you want her too and Bruno opens his eyes and looks at Leila and tells her, you're right, but i'll wait a day or 2 and then i'll call Jaime and hopefully i'll work it out with her and Leila smiles and tells him, good and she kisses him and he tells her, you're amazing Mrs Hernandez and Leila asks him, really, are you only now realising that Mr Hernandez and Bruno laughs and tells her, no, i'm not just realising that, but I do think it's amazing that you're encouraging me to talk to Jaime and work things out with her considering how you feel about her and Leila sighs and tells him, my problem with Jaime and the way I feel about her are mine and as i've told you a few times now, I don't want that to come between you 2 and Bruno kisses the back of Leila's hand and tells her, I know, just like I know your sense of fair play and what's right and wrong stops you from trying, wanting or asking me to have nothing to do with Jaime, you could make it difficult for me to have a relationship with her after what she's done to you, but that's not who you are baby, i'm a lucky guy and Leila smiles and tells him, i'm a lucky girl and she kisses him and tells him, I love you sugar bear and Bruno grins and tells her, I love you too baby and he cups the back of her neck and kisses her.

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