Chapter 55

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Sat 4 days later

She looks at herself in the mirror and decides that the black pant suit with the gold satin vest, gold hoop earrings, gold necklace and black kitten heel sandals that she's wearing looks alright and the suit's not too tight unlike the green dress and the pink dress that she'd tried on before it and she hears Bruno tell her, damn, you look good and she turns around and sees him standing in the doorway of her closet dressed in a black suit with a red shirt and she smiles and tells him, you look hot and he grins and walks over to her and asks her why are you nervous and she sighs and replies because I don't want to stand out and I don't know what the girls have planned tonight for my bachelorette and Bruno laughs and tells her, you're beautiful, you'd stand out wearing a paper bag and it's your night so whether you like it or not you're going to stand out and be the centre of attention tonight, the girls won't have planned anything you won't like baby and she bites her lip and Bruno asks her what's really bothering you and she clasps her right hand over the brooch that Bruno gave her that she's wearing on the right lapel of her jacket and replies i'm just worried that your sisters might have got a stripper for tonight and Bruno takes hold of her left hand and strokes her engagement ring and tells her, they won't have if they know what's good for them and Leila asks him why do you sound so sure and he tells her, because I told them i'd never forgive them if they get strippers and she feels shocked and tells him, I don't want to come between you and your sisters and Bruno shakes his head and tells her, you're not, they'll be no strippers, so go out with the girls and have a good time tonight and if you're scared or feeling uncomfortable at any time then press the diamond on your brooch twice and my guys will come to you and call me and he kisses her gently and Leila tells him, i'm not sure i'd feel comfortable going out tonight if I wasn't wearing the brooch and he smiles and tells her, you look great and you're going to have fun tonight and his confidence settles her nerves and she smiles and tells him, I hope you have fun tonight with the guys at your bachelor party and he grins and tells her, i'm sure I will and he kisses the back of her left hand and tells her, we need to leave now and she picks up her black clutch bag and they leave her closet and walk out of their bedroom and walk downstairs and Bruno walks outside the house with her to the black SUV that she's hired for the night along with the driver who opens the back passenger door as he sees them approach and they stop by the car and Bruno cups her shoulders and tells her, I love you baby, go have a good time and she smiles and replies I love you too, try not to have too much fun without me and Bruno laughs and tells her, there's no chance of that and he kisses her and she gets into the car and smiles as she hears Bruno tell her driver to drive carefully with his treasure and she looks at Bruno out of the car window and keeps her eyes on him as her driver drives her away.

She giggles and shushes herself for it as she walks into the house and she kicks her shoes off and Geronimo comes over to her and licks her hand and sniffs at the 2 large pink gift bags that she's carrying and Leila rubs his head and laughs and tells him, there's nothing for you in the bags G and she walks and stumbles her way into the kitchen and he follows her and she gets a few dog biscuits for him and gives them to him and kisses the top of his head and she gets a handful of twinkies for herself and stumbles her way from the kitchen into the family room and she drops the bags she's carrying onto the floor and sits down heavily onto the sofa and eats a twinkie and wonders if Bruno is drunk like her.

He walks into the house and Geronimo comes over to him and he rubs his head and ears and walks to the stairs and Geronimo barks and walks over to the family room and walks back to him and Bruno cocks his head and watches as Geronimo walks back to the family room and sits at the door and he walks over to the family room and looks in and sees Leila asleep on the sofa wearing a pink cowboy hat and he walks over to her and laughs as he sees the pink cowboy hat has little pink penises dangling off it and she has a half eaten twinkie in her hand and 2 twinkie wrappers beside her on the sofa and he picks the wrappers up and takes the half eaten twinkie from her hand and puts them along with the 2 unopened twinkies that are on the floor onto the coffee table and he takes his shoes off and takes his jacket off and puts it on the chair nearest him and he lies down on the sofa with Leila and smiles at the white sash she's wearing that says bride on it in gold letters and rests his arm over her waist.

He feels Leila kiss his neck and Bruno smiles and opens his eyes and looks at her and she kisses his neck again and he says her name and she leans up and kisses him and strokes his chest and she pulls back and asks him when did you get home, are you drunk too and Bruno laughs a little at how Leila is slurring her words and he strokes her hair and looks at his watch and tells her, I got home almost half an hour ago, i'm just a bit tipsy and she pouts and tells him, it's the girls fault that i'm drunk because I wouldn't do some of their stupid dares so I had to take a triple shot of vodka every time I refused to do them, I hate vodka and Bruno bites his lip to stop himself from laughing at how annoyed she sounds and asks her what dares wouldn't you do and she tells him, well I wouldn't kiss 3 random guys or try to get 3 guys to give me their underwear and I wouldn't dance with 3 guys either but only because I didn't want any of them to get the wrong idea and think I was coming onto them and Bruno feels relieved that Leila didn't do any of those dares and tells her, i'm glad you didn't do them baby and she grins and tells him, I would have if the girls had dared me at the drag queen club they took me to but not at the club we went to afterwards and I told the girls you wouldn't like me doing any of that shit and she gives him a noisy kiss on the cheek and tells him, there was a penis cake and it tasted good, I brought a bit of it home for you and Bruno laughs and tells her, i'll pass and she tells him, you can't tell by looking at it that it was part of a penis cake and Bruno shakes his head and tells her, there is nothing you can say that will make me want to eat it, so you have it and she pouts and tells him, fine, but you don't know what you're missing out on.

She knows she's drunk and nearly ready to crash out but she can't until she knows and she bites her lip and asks Bruno, what did you get up to tonight, did you have a good time with the guys and he smiles and replies yeah it was fun, we drank, we danced, the guys had belly dancers come dance for us and we talked as best as we could in the club and we ended the night smoking a cigar outside the club before I came home and Leila feels relieved that Bruno hadn't gone to a strip club and hadn't got any lap dances as she doesn't want another woman shaking her ass or any other part of her body in his face or lap and she smiles and tells him, i'm glad you had fun but why didn't you get any fucking dares, didn't the guys try to get you to do things to embarrass you and Bruno laughs and tells her, I guess I got lucky, they teased me about getting a ball and chain and Phil, Kam and Brody embarrassed themselves by trying to dance with the belly dancers, they looked ridiculous and she laughs and tells him, that's not fair, your guys are lame and she asks him did you see what I brought home and he replies well I can't miss the pink cowboy hat with little pink penises dangling off it or the bride sash that you're wearing and she grins and asks him don't you think they're cute and he tells her, your bride sash is cute but the little pink penises dangling off your cowboy hat are funny, they make me laugh and she wiggles her eyebrows and tells him, they're edible and Bruno laughs and tells her, i'll pass baby and she asks him did you see what's in the 2 pink gift bags that I brought home and he tells her no and she laughs and tells him, there are dildos of all sizes and colours in there and there's a red 1 that's almost as big as your dick and Bruno smirks and she tells him, I told the girls that I don't need any of that shit, my man is packing and keeps me satisfied and Bruno smirks again looking pleased with himself and she tells him, there's some penis shaped candy and chocolates and a large penis shaped lollipop in the bags too and Bruno laughs and asks her what are you going to do with the dildos and she grimaces and tells him, i'm going to trash them somewhere far away from here and Bruno tells her, don't, give them to me and i'll prank the guys with them and Leila laughs and tells him you're welcomed to them because I sure as hell don't need them and Bruno tells her, that's a damn fact baby and he kisses her and she strokes his jaw and tells him, i'm glad we both had a good night and she laughs and tells him, even my mom had a good time despite looking embarrassed by all the dildos the girls gave me and Bruno laughs and she tells him, I love you and I can't wait to marry you and Bruno smiles and tells her, I love you too and I can't wait to marry you either Leila and he kisses her and she rests her head on his shoulder and falls asleep.

Bruno smiles as he watches Leila sleep and feels relieved that she had a good night with the girls and nothing had happened to upset her and he kisses her head and puts his hand over hers that's resting on his chest and falls asleep hoping that Monday comes quickly because he can't wait to finally marry Leila and call her his wife.

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