Chapter 52 Part 2

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He sees Leila wince as she puts on a pair of black leather pants that look like they've been painted on her and he asks her what's wrong and she fastens her pants and tells him, my kitty is a bit sore and Bruno feels guilty and tells her i'm sorry baby and she walks over to him and clasps her hands at the back of his neck and tells him, my kitty is sore but the way it's throbbing feels good and since we've been fucking like rabbits since I got back from the hotel spa and salon, i'm just thankful right now that I can walk and she shrugs and tells him, i'll be fine, it's not the first time i've felt like this and I doubt it'll be the last time and he feels relief at her words and he puts his arms around her waist and tells her, if there's ever a time you can't walk i'll carry you, I love you baby and she smiles at him and tells him, you're too sweet and the reasons to love you just keep on coming, I love you too and she kisses him and pulls back and tells him, you've got a wicked mouth, magic hands and a big dick which I love and he laughs and asks her so you think i've got a wicked mouth and magic hands and Leila replies I don't think, I know you've got them and you know how to use them and he smirks and she tells him, we should get going or we'll be late for dinner with everyone and she gives him a quick kiss and walks over to the bed and picks up her black jacket and puts it on and picks her black Gucci handbag up and checks inside it and puts it's strap over her shoulder and turns to him and asks him have you got everything you need and Bruno pats the inside pocket of his black jacket and feels his wallet and phone and tells Leila, yeah, i'm good and she laughs and tells him, yes you are and he grins and holds her left hand and walks out of the bedroom with her and Lonnie and Dave stand up from where they're sitting on the sofa waiting for them and they all walk out of the suite and go to 1 of the hotel restaurants that Bruno has bought out so that he can enjoy dinner without people taking photos of him or asking him for autographs or asking to have a photo taken with him, he loves his fans but all he wants to do is eat and chill with Leila, his band and her friends before his show.

She smiles at Bruno who pulls her chair out for her and she sits down and he pulls the empty chair besides hers out and picks a piece of paper up off the seat and he laughs and looks around the table and he hands Leila the piece of paper and she's shocked to see that it says horn dog on it and she looks around the table and everyone starts laughing and Bruno sits down and tells everyone, very funny guys and she quietly tells Bruno, I don't know how they know, I never call you any of the nicknames I have for you in front of anyone and Bruno laughs and tells her, when I was trying to wake you up earlier to surprise you with your friends, you called me horn dog and she groans and tells him, i'm sorry and he shrugs and tells her, don't worry about it baby, i'll admit that i'm not crazy about people online or in the street calling me that though and Leila puts her hand over his and tells him, they won't and Bruno tells her, your friends obviously told my band and might have posted online about it already and she can see that despite him telling her not to worry about it that he's bothered by it and she tells him, my friends won't say anything to anyone or post anything online about you or us and she kisses him gently and she smiles and thanks the waiter who hands them a menu and takes their drinks order and when he walks away Bruno asks her quietly, why did you sound so sure that your friends won't say anything to anyone and won't post anything about me or us online and she leans over and whispers in his ear, because I made them all sign a non disclosure agreement before they came to our party to celebrate us moving in together, before meeting you properly, so you can be yourself around them and not worry about them telling anyone or showing the world online anything you or we say or do in front of them and she kisses him below his ear and pulls back and she can see the surprise on Bruno's face and she tells him to relax and he asks her why did you do that and she smiles and asks him how could I not, you have a right to privacy and he kisses her gently and tells her, thank you and for the rest of their time in the restaurant she's glad to see Bruno looking relaxed, happy and having a good time.

She smiles as Bruno runs off the stage and she laughs when he picks her up and spins around with her and he kisses her and she bends down and picks up a bottle of water and a towel and hands them to him and he thanks her and she gives his band a bottle of water and a towel as they walk off stage and they all thank her and she can tell they're all hyped and decides that it's a good thing that they're all going to a club later and Bruno grabs her hand and leads her to his dressing room and he closes and locks the door and wraps his arms around her and asks her, did you have a good time at the show tonight and she grins and tells him, yes, it was great and you completely surprised me when you sang to me, thrusting and dancing practically in my face and had the spotlight and camera on me during the last verse of Locked out of heaven and he laughs and tells her, I wanted to make my last show here in Vegas for the year special for you and she smiles and tells him, you did horn dog and she kisses him and pats his chest and tells him, go shower and get changed and i'll go check on my girls in the lounge and he kisses her and goes into the bathroom and she goes and checks on her friends who are sitting talking when she walks in and she talks with them and they tease her about Bruno dancing for her and singing to her and her phone pings with a message and she checks it and sees that the chinese food that she had arranged to be delivered has arrived and she goes and gets the food and takes it into the lounge and sees that Jimmy, Kam and John are there now and she puts the bags of food onto the table and tells them leave some for the others and her friends laugh and Dee Dee asks Leila where the fuck do they put all that food and she grins and tells her friends the guys work hard and work it off on stage and she leaves and knocks on the other dressing room doors that Bruno's band is using and yells through the door to them that the foods here in the lounge and she goes into Bruno's dressing room and he walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, patting his hair with a towel, but its the droplets of water she can see running down his neck and chest that have her locking the door and he smiles at her and she walks over to him and tells him, the food is here but you're going to have to wait a bit longer before you get any of it and she takes the towel he's using on his hair and throws it onto the chair behind him and clasps her hands behind his neck and kisses him and strokes his body and Bruno pulls back and asks her I thought your kitty needed a rest baby and she licks a drop of water off his neck slowly and hears his breath catch and she looks into his eyes and tells him, it's been a few hours, I want you, but it'll have to be a quickie as everyone will be waiting for us in the lounge and Bruno says fuck them and Leila tells him, no, fuck me and she kisses him and slides her hands down his chest and unknots the towel at his waist and lets it drop to the floor and she wraps her hand around his dick that feels as hard as a rock in her hand and she strokes it up and down slowly and Bruno hisses and takes her red cut out top off and throws it onto the floor and he pushes her bra up and licks and kisses her breasts and he lifts her up and carries her into the bathroom and closes the door and he lets her go and unfastens her pants and pulls them down and she turns around and leans against the sink and Bruno strokes her kitty and spanks her ass and kisses her neck and asks her are you sure about this baby and she tells him, yes, fuck yes and he slides inside her and fucks her hard and fast and she comes gripping the sink, screaming his name and Bruno thrusts faster in and out of her and comes shouting her name, gripping her hips and he pulls her back against him and holds her, breathless just like her.

She says goodnight to her friends, Dee Dee, Whitney, Megan and Holly and they get on the elevator and she holds onto Bruno's arm as they walk onto the the elevator beside the 1 her friends have just got on with Lonnie and Dave and she yawns and tells Bruno, I can't wait to get these damn shoes off and get to bed and sleep and he replies me too baby and kisses the side of her head and Bruno says to her, the club was fun and we danced our asses off and she replies yes it was and we did and my feet are killing me now and they get off the elevator and walk to their suite and Lonnie and Dave tell them goodnight and they say goodnight to them and Bruno closes the door to their suite and Leila kicks her red kitten heels off and sighs in relief at finally getting her shoes off.

He smiles at Leila as she walks out of the bathroom naked and drops her clothes onto the chair by the window and she gets into bed beside him and he pulls her closer to him and rests his arm over her waist and she kisses his chest and rests her arm over his waist and looks at him and tells him, i'm glad we don't have an early flight home and Bruno replies me too, we can have a long lie in baby and he kisses her and Leila says sweet dreams horn dog and he smiles and replies sweet dreams baby and Bruno's last thought before he falls asleep is that he's glad that Leila's had a great time with her friends and at the show and he feels deeply touched that she had her friends sign a non disclosure agreement so he doesn't have to worry about any of his private life or their relationship being made public and he can relax and be himself around her friends.

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