Chapter 84

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the next day

He misses Leila, he can't stop thinking about her and hoping that she's safe and ok and that she'll call him or come home, the pain he's been feeling from her leaving him isn't so bad now that Bruno is convinced that Leila was forced to leave him, but he still feels lost without her and feels like the best part of him is missing and he pushes the pen and note pad away and he gets up from the breakfast table and paces around the kitchen and Bruno tells himself that maybe since he hasn't slept since finding Leila's letter yesterday morning, the lack of sleep is influencing his thought process, because he can't be right, it makes no fucking sense but around 3am he'd sobered himself up with lots of strong, black coffee as he was determined to try and work out who Leila is warning him about in her letter because he'd felt whoever it is forced Leila to leave him because he and Leila were happy damn it, they just celebrated being together a year and married for 4 months on Monday, so Leila leaving him makes no sense and Bruno knows Leila would have told him what was going on unless she couldn't because she was scared or protecting him or both and he's been sat at the breakfast table fuelling himself with coffee as he goes through the list he'd made of everyone in his inner circle that he loves and trusts as that's the only clue that Leila gave him in her letter as to who she's warning him about, and no matter how many times he's gone through it, there's only 1 person he hasn't been able to cross off his list, he doesn't want to believe it but Bruno can't cross Jaime off his fucking list, but he has no idea what he could have done to Jaime years ago or at any time to make her resent him, hold a grudge against him and want to hurt him in any way, but Jaime has been horrible to Leila and he'd worked out that Leila hasn't been herself since she came home from meeting Jaime at the coffee shop 16 days ago and he can't get past that and it keeps bringing him back to Jaime and he rubs his face and sits back down at the breakfast table and even though he doesn't want to believe it and he doesn't know why, Bruno has a feeling that he's right and he knows he has to decide what to do with what he's concluded.

He yawns as he pours himself another cup of coffee and Lonnie walks into the kitchen and he asks him, have you heard from your guys, do you know where Leila is and Lonnie tells him, no, i'm sorry, none of the guys that i've got staking out Leila's parents and friends have seen her and Lonnie walks over to him and asks him, how are you holding up boss and Bruno sighs and tells Lonnie, the best I can considering i'm going crazy without Leila and Lonnie asks him, have you slept or eaten and Bruno shakes his head no and Lonnie tells him, no offence Bruno but you look like shit, I know you're missing Leila and you want to find her but you're no good to her or yourself if you don't take care of yourself, your body needs food and sleep and Bruno sighs and tells Lonnie, you're right and Lonnie tells him, well don't just sit there, get something to eat, then get some sleep and Bruno laughs a little and tells Lonnie, yes sir and he gets up from the breakfast table and fixes himself a bowl of lucky charms and he leans against the breakfast bar and eats the cereal, it tastes tasteless to him, he has no appetite but Bruno knows Lonnie is right and his body needs food and sleep and he forces himself to eat the cereal and Lonnie pours himself a cup of coffee and tells him, a shower wouldn't hurt after you get some sleep and Bruno tells Lonnie, you're awfully bossy this morning but I will shower after I have a nap and Lonnie looks pleased and tells him, you'll feel better for it and Bruno knows he won't and he tells Lonnie, I won't feel good again until I get Leila back.

He feels himself starting to fall asleep and he opens his eyes and sits up quickly on the sofa when he hears Jaime say his name and he watches her as she walks over to him and Bruno knows he has to play this cool unless Jaime shows herself, her true self and he rubs his face and runs his fingers through his hair and Jaime asks him, are you alright bro because you don't look too good, are you in pain and Bruno knows that if he didn't suspect Jaime then he wouldn't have been paying attention and heard the fake concern in Jaime's voice or seen her eyes smiling as she'd asked him if he's in pain and he wants to grab her, shake her and demand that she tells him how and why she made Leila leave him and to tell him where Leila is, if she knows, but Bruno has a feeling that wouldn't be smart, even though he's 100 percent sure now that Jaime is who Leila was warning him about in her letter and responsible for Leila leaving him, Bruno knows that means he doesn't know who Jaime really is or what she's capable of and the last thing he wants to do is to say or do anything to her that could cause her to harm Leila in any way if Jaime knows where Leila is.

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