Chapter 87

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3 weeks later

He feels relaxed as he leaves the detective agency that he's just hired to find Leila, they have a good reputation for finding missing people which makes him feel confident that they can find Leila and as he gets into the back seat of Lonnie's black SUV, Bruno wishes that it hadn't taken coming across an episode of Magnum P.I when he was channel surfing while he was drunk on Monday night for him to get the idea to hire a private detective and Bruno calls himself a fool for not thinking of it before and he laughs because today is April Fools day, what better day to be a fool and Lonnie asks him, are you alright and Bruno knows that Lonnie probably thinks he's gone crazy because he's just laughed for no apparent reason and he tells Lonnie, yeah, i'm fine, I just thought of something funny, lets go home and Lonnie tells him, sure boss and he starts the car and Bruno looks out the window and thinks, i'm far from alright, i'm going insane not knowing where Leila is or how she is, I miss her so fucking much, and even though I know Jaime forced Leila to leave me, it fucking hurts, I don't feel whole anymore, my life is grey and miserable without her.

She walks slowly out of the lawyers office feeling relieved that she's done what she needed to do and she hails a cab and she gets into the cab and tells the cab driver where to take her and Leila opens her black Gucci handbag and she takes out the bottle of vodka that's just over half full and she drinks as much as she can, not caring that the cab driver can see her and not caring what he thinks and she puts the lid back onto the bottle of vodka tightly and puts it back into her handbag and she yawns and leans back against the seat, she feels so damned tired and she looks out of the window and she sees a man and a woman standing in the middle of the sidewalk with their arms around each other, they looks so happy and in love and Leila can't bare to look at them and looks away, she remembers what it feels like to stand like that with Bruno, she misses Bruno wrapping his arms around her, making her feel safe and loved, she misses Bruno so much and Leila closes her eyes and cries silently, all she wants to do when she gets back to the house is drink until she passes out and dream of Bruno, he's always waiting for her in her dreams, the only way that Leila knows that she can be with him again.

He grits his teeth feeling annoyed and angry as he sees Jaime's name on the screen of his phone and Bruno wishes that she'd stop calling him, he's not answered any of her calls or any calls from his family or anyone else, but Jaime keeps calling him and Bruno hits ignore on his phone like he does with all the calls he gets now, he doesn't think he can hide how he feels about Jaime anymore, he hates her and Bruno feels certain that the reason why Jaime's been trying so hard to talk to him is that since his personal security has refused to let her through the gates 4 times to see him, she wants to hear how much pain he's in, Jaime's goal was to hurt him emotionally and she's done that spectacularly, but Bruno will be damned if he'll let Jaime see or hear how much fucking pain he's in thanks to her, the only calls he'll answer is Leila's, if she calls him and the private detective agency that he's hired to look for her and Bruno hopes Leila is found soon, it's been 5 weeks since he's seen, heard or touched Leila and watched her drive away, not knowing then that she was leaving him.

He leans back in his chair and closes his eyes, he'd thought choosing the cover for his 4th album would distract him and get Leila out of his head for a little while, but he was wrong, all he can think about is Leila and he's been fighting the urge he has to call the detective agency and ask them if they've got any leads that will help them find Leila yet, but he only hired them this morning and Bruno knows he needs to give them time and they had assured him that as soon as they have any leads or know where Leila is that they'll call him and Bruno knows that he has to be patient and let them do what they need to do to find Leila and not take up their time that they should be spending looking for her with reassuring him and getting him off their backs.

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