Chapter 42

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Fri 4 days later

She takes a sip of her coffee as she walks towards the office and as she approaches the door she hears Bruno's say, i'm glad I finally got to propose to Leila and she said yes and nobody fucked it up this time and she walks through the door feeling shocked and Bruno looks over at her and says into his phone i've got to go man, i'll talk to you later and he puts his phone down and asks her what's wrong baby and she ignores him, trying to get over her shock and walks over to her desk and places her cup of coffee onto it on top of a coaster and she walks over to Bruno's desk and places his cup of coffee onto his desk on top of a coaster and clears her throat wishing the tight knot in her stomach from hearing what Bruno had said on the phone was as easy to get to ease up as the lump in her throat and Bruno asks her are you ok and she looks at him and even though she knows what part of his answer is going to be she asks him how long had you been planning to propose to me and who fucked up you proposing to me before Monday and he says shit and walks around his desk and stops in front of her and says I'd hoped you'd never find out about this and he blows out a breath and says I bought your engagement ring 2 days after you agreed to move in with me and she gasps in surprise and he shakes his head and says I wanted to ask you to marry me when I got home with your ring but then I got the fucking great idea that we should have a party to celebrate us moving in together and i'd propose to you then in front of everyone there and first your now ex friend Jasmine fucked it up and I decided to wait another hour, let you calm down from what had happened with her and then and he blows out a breath and Leila clears her throat again and says and then Luke attacked me and he replies yeah and I couldn't ask you after that and i've been waiting for the right time to ask you since then and she yells son of a bitch and Bruno steps closer to her feeling confused and says i'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have waited so long but I don't understand why you're mad at me and she rests her hands on his chest and looks into his eyes and tells him, you have nothing to be sorry about, i'm not mad at you, i'm fucking mad at Luke for fucking something else up at our party and for taking something else away from us and Bruno kisses her gently and pulls back and replies, he fucked it up then but nothing and no one fucked it up on Monday baby and the anger she feels knowing that Luke had stopped Bruno proposing to her leaves her and the tight knot that she's felt in her stomach goes away and she tells him you're right and the tears she's been trying hard not to cry fall from her eyes and she says if you'd proposed to me 3 months ago at our party, I would have said yes then just like I did on Monday and he grins at her and replies good and through her tears she tells him it's for the best that you didn't propose to me at our moving in together party as it would have always been over shadowed by what happened then with Luke and the way you proposed to me at what I thought was just a party to celebrate us being together for 6 months on Monday at our favourite restaurant was perfect and Bruno wraps his arms around her and replies that's what I think too baby and he kisses the top of her head and rubs her back.

He feels relaxed lying on the sofa listening to music with Leila lying beside him playing with his hair and he feels relieved that Leila seems to be ok now since finding out earlier about when he had planned to propose to her the first time and it may be small of him but it felt good hearing her tell him that she would have said yes to him then just like she had on Monday but there's something he needs to talk to her about and he strokes her shoulder and says I need to tell you something and she lifts her face to his and he says Eric texted me earlier that my sisters and Cindia have bought a bunch of wedding magazines and they're planning to come over in a few days and help us arrange our wedding and I use the word help loosely as it'll be a take over and Leila sighs and replies Bruno I love them and I don't want to hurt their feelings but I want us to arrange our wedding, nobody else and I told my mom that when I spoke to her yesterday when she started talking about helping us arrange our wedding, don't get me wrong I don't mind them helping but I won't have us being told what our wedding is going to be like, that's for us to decide and he kisses her and replies I agree with you and he says you know we could arrange our wedding before they come over and then it's a mute point what they want for it and Leila laughs and tugs on his hair a little and asks him are you scared of how they'll react because there's no need as I don't mind being the bad guy and telling them and he laughs a little and says maybe, but we'll tell them together but Tiara can be mean, it wouldn't be the first time she's twisted my nipples when i've pissed her off and Leila bursts out laughing and replies i'll need to remember that for when you piss me off and he winces and replies I wish I hadn't told you that now and Leila smirks at him and tells him, don't piss me off and i'll never twist your nipples sugar bear and she smiles and kisses him and she pulls back and says look, there is no way we can arrange a wedding in a few days and we've been so busy between having sex at just about every chance we get and with work the last few days that we haven't even talked about what kind of wedding we want and we haven't even set a date for it and Bruno sighs and replies you're right baby and for the record i'd marry you right now and he sings, I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go and Leila laughs and tells him i'd marry you right now too or at that little chapel you know of but our families would never forgive us and she sighs and tells him I don't want a big, over the top, extravagant wedding, but i'm willing to compromise if you do, I just want it to be how we want it to be and he sighs and replies i'm all for a small intimate wedding with our closest friends and family there and looking relieved Leila tells him me too so what we need to do is set a date and find a venue to start with and he smiles and replies how about we get married here and he feels Leila stiffen up and asks her what's wrong and she replies I don't want to get married here, i'll marry you anywhere but here and he asks her why and she looks away from him and replies because I don't want us to get married where we have bad memories and he silently curses himself and lifts her face up to his and says i'm sorry baby, I wasn't thinking and she sighs and quietly tells him it's ok and he replies no it's not and he kisses her and pulls back and asks her would you like us to find a new home, because I don't mind and she replies you love this house Bruno and you've already turned your music room into the office because of me and he replies i'd do anything for you and i've enjoyed living here mostly but I love you, and I think us finding a new home that we choose together that we can have a fresh start in and make good memories in is exactly what we should do and she smiles and tells him I love you too and she asks him are you sure you're ok about us getting a new home and he smiles and replies i'm positive baby and she smiles and says well damn, between arranging our wedding and finding a new home, we've got a lot of work to do and he kisses her and pulls back and tells her it's work i'm going to love every minute of and she replies i'm going to remind you that you said that and he laughs and replies you won't need to because I can't wait to marry you and find a new home with you and I don't want a long engagement and she smiles and replies I don't either and Bruno replies good and kisses her and pulls her closer to him and he pulls back from their kiss and rests his head against Leila's and wishes he had realised sooner that living in the house where she'd been attacked was a constant reminder of what Luke did to her so the sooner they find a new home, the better as far as he's concerned.

She closes her eyes and says a silent prayer feeling thankful and relieved that they're going to look for a new house that holds no bad memories for either of them and that Bruno wants a small intimate wedding just like her and Leila feels relaxed and content as she continues to play with Bruno's hair and listening to Prince sing purple rain and hopes they'll be no hard feelings when she tells his sisters and sister in law that her and Bruno will be arranging their wedding, not them and decides to forget about that for now and just enjoy lying on the sofa with Bruno with Geronimo lying down at their feet.

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