Chapter 23 Part 2

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He can see Lonnie and Dave standing by their car waiting for him as he drives into the car park and Bruno parks his car beside theirs and he gets out his car and tells them, hey fellas, i'm glad you're here and I don't have to wait for you and Lonnie tells him, we were nearby and he asks him, are you ok boss, because you look really pissed off and Bruno tells him, Luke didn't listen to me last week and I just found out that he put his hands on what's mine and I need you guys here to make sure I don't go too far with him and Lonnie and Dave look at each other then look at Bruno and Lonnie tells him, we've got your back and they follow him into the office head quarters for SelvaRey Rum and they all sign the sign in book and get onto the escalator and go to Luke's office where Cindy is sitting at her desk in the outer office and Bruno asks her, is Luke in and she tells him, yes, but he said he doesn't want to be disturbed and Bruno smiles and he tells her, he'll see me and he walks to the office door and opens it and walks in with Lonnie and Dave and Lonnie locks the office door and Bruno's pleased to see Luke look nervous as he walks over to his desk and Luke tells whoever he's talking to on the phone that something has come up and he'll call them back.

He walks behind the desk and Bruno pulls Luke out of his chair and pushes him hard against the wall behind his desk and tells him, I fucking warned you last week Luke and now I find out that you touched Leila and you tried to blackmail her into meeting you at a fucking hotel and Bruno cocks his head at Luke and tells him, she's right, you're a pathetic piece of shit and seeing Luke's shock that he's called him what Leila had called him on the phone pleases him and Bruno smiles and tells Luke, that's right you fucker, I was standing right beside Leila when you were fucking talking to her on the phone and I know everything and Bruno pulls back his right arm and punches Luke in the face and Luke groans in pain and tells him, she's just another woman Bruno, there's plenty of pussy out there, she's not worth this and Bruno punches Luke in the face again and tells him, that's where you're very fucking wrong, every woman should be treated with respect and Leila is worth everything to me, she's out of your fucking league so stay away from her and Bruno punches Luke in the gut and Luke drops to his knees and Bruno kicks him in the side and Luke falls to the floor groaning in pain and tells him, no more and Lonnie tells him, I think that's enough boss and Bruno grits his teeth and blows out a breath and tells Lonnie, you're right and he looks down at Luke and tells him, you're fired, so get your shit together and get the fuck out of here and Luke wipes blood off his nose and mouth with the back of his right hand smearing blood across his face and tells him, i'm going to the cops this time and have you charged with assault Bruno and Lonnie says to Dave, assault what assault I didn't see any assault and Dave tells Lonnie, I didn't see any assault either and Bruno smirks and he looks at Luke and tells him, go ahead asshole, i've got a recording of your phone call with Leila earlier and i'll bet you've been harassing Cindy too and I wonder how many women you've harassed and will come forward if I hire a private investigator and Luke turns pale and Bruno tells him, you make me sick you son of a bitch and he walks out of the office with Lonnie and Dave following him and since he's here and they need to know Bruno decides to go and let his partners know that he's fired Luke and that they need to find another head of promotions.

He can't wait to see Leila and just get past this shit about Luke and he pulls into the drive way of their home and Bruno's shocked to see Leila still sitting on the door step where she'd been when he'd left to go and see Luke and he parks his car and gets out of his car quickly and runs over to her and asks her, baby it's raining why have you been sitting out here, you're soaking wet and he picks Leila up and tells her, lets get you warmed up and into some dry clothes and he carries Leila into the house and up to their bedroom and into their bathroom and he puts her down outside the shower and he steadies her when she loses her balance as she stands up and he tells her, get undressed and get into the shower and he turns around and turns the shower on and Bruno wonders why Leila hasn't said anything and he turns to Leila and he sees that she's shaking and struggling to get her top off and he moves her hands gently out of the way and undresses her and helps her into the shower and tells her, i'll go and get undressed then i'll come and help you and without looking at him Leila tells him quietly, don't, leave me alone and Bruno's surprised and although it doesn't feel right to leave her alone he tells her, ok, just shout if you need me baby and he steps out of the shower and closes the shower screen and Bruno gets undressed and dries himself quickly and he picks up their wet clothes from the floor and drops them into the bath and he leaves the bathroom and goes into his closet and puts on a pair of black sweat pants and a white vest then he goes and sits on the bed.

He hears the shower turn off and 10 minutes later Leila comes out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and her hair plaited and without looking at him or saying anything to him she goes into her closet and closes the door surprising him as she usually comes out the bathroom after a shower naked and gets dressed in front of him and when she comes out of her closet wearing a beige sweater, black jeans, black boots and a black leather jacket pulling a small suit case Bruno jumps up from the bed and asks her, what's going on, where are you going and he's shocked when she tells him, I think it's best if I go stay at my house... for a few days and he asks her, why and why won't you look at me and Leila looks at him and tells him, because you hate me and Bruno's so shocked from what Leila's said and to see that her usual bright eyes look dull and lifeless and he tells her, you're fucking nuts, I love you damn it and Leila tells him, you don't look at someone you love with hate like you looked at me when I stood in front of your car earlier.

He walks over to Leila and tells her, i'm sorry I looked at you that way, I was angry with you but the only person I hated then and now is Luke, I promise you that and he won't be bothering you again as I went to see him and I fired him and on the way home I arranged to have my phone numbers changed so he can't phone you again and Bruno reaches for Leila and he hears her gasp and he asks her, what is it and she asks him, you did more than talk to Luke didn't you and she points to his right hand and he looks at it and Bruno sees his swollen red knuckles which he hadn't noticed and he tells Leila, I hit Luke a few times and she tells him, you should go put some ice on your knuckles and he tells her, they'll be fine and he asks her, will we be fine and Bruno feels like he's been punched in the gut when Leila tells him, I don't know.

She can tell what she's said has shocked Bruno and despite him telling her that he loves her and that he hadn't meant to look at her like he hated her and that it's Luke he hates, Leila can't get the way Bruno had looked at her like he hated her out of her head and Bruno shocks her when he drops to his knees in front of her and takes hold of her hands and tells her, i'm sorry that my hatred for Luke spilled over onto you and it kills me that it did, just tell me what to do to make things right between us and i'll do it and Leila can tell he means what he's said as she'd heard the sincerity in Bruno's voice and she tells him, I believe you but I really don't know.

He knows he can't let her go and Bruno tells Leila, we've lied and held back things to protect each other and we've argued twice in 2 days over Luke, but please don't let him or my hatred for him split us up, look into my eyes and tell me what you see in them now baby.

She braces herself, she's scared to look into Bruno's eyes in case she sees hate in them again, but Leila knows what he's said is true and she looks into his eyes and the love she sees there makes her heart beat faster and she drops to her knees in front of Bruno and tells him, I see love, you still love me and Leila starts crying feeling relieved and happy.

He feels hope that Leila can see that he loves her and Bruno tells her, of course I love you, i'm down on my knees for you, now please stop crying and tell me you're staying and he wipes her tears away with his fingers and Leila smiles and tells him, they're happy tears, i'm not going anywhere and she kisses him and she pulls back from their kiss and strokes his face and tells him, I love you Bruno but please, lets not talk about Luke anymore and he asks her who and Leila laughs a little and tells him, exactly and in future no matter what, we can't lie or hold back things to try and protect each other again and Bruno knows Leila's right about that and he tells her, i'm with you on that, it always comes back to bite us on the ass anyway and Leila kisses him and despite the fact that their bed is right beside them they're too desperate for each other to go to it and they undress each other quickly and have sex on the floor.

He picks Leila up off the floor where she had fallen asleep on top of him after they'd had sex and he gently puts her down on her side of their bed being careful not to wake her up and Bruno gets into bed and holds Leila against him feeling relieved that she's staying and that they're in a good place again with each other and he falls asleep thinking that their love is strong enough that they can get through anything.

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