Chapter 88 Part 1

87 8 4


4 days later

He picks his phone up quickly from on top of his piano and he's disappointed to see that it's Lonnie calling him and Bruno sighs and ignores the call and he starts to play his song Talking to the moon and a few minutes later Bruno hears Lonnie call his name and he continues to play as he tells him, go away Lonnie unless you know where Leila is and don't tie up my phone by calling me and Lonnie tells him, 1 of the detectives you hired is here to see you boss and Bruno stops playing the piano and he looks over at the door and he sees the detective he'd hired to look for Leila, standing beside Lonnie just inside the door, he can't remember the man's name and there's something about the look on his face that has fear gripping Bruno and he gets up from his piano stool quickly and he asks the detective as he walks towards him, what's wrong, what's happened, you've found my wife haven't you and Bruno stops in front of the detective and he tells him, yes, 1 of our cyber detectives was able to track who your wife paid 100k to through PayPal and I called him yesterday afternoon and he wasn't cooperative so I went to see him before I came here and he told me that your wife rented a house with a live in housekeeper that he has in Mexico and that she paid him an extra 20k to not talk to anyone about her or to anyone that might come looking for her and he showed me an email he received last night from the live in housekeeper asking him for an emergency contact for your wife because she's not long found her passed out on the floor of her bedroom, there was an empty box of Advil on top of the bed and a package addressed to you and a note to the housekeeper with money telling her that she's sorry but her life's not worth living anymore and she can't take the pain anymore and to please mail the package to you as soon as possible, your wife was taken to hospital and Bruno feels like all the air has been sucked out of him and his legs buckle and he falls to his knees.

He is screaming inside, it can't be true, there's no way this can be true and the detective tells him, i'm sorry Mr Mars and Lonnie comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders and helps him up from the floor and Bruno looks at the detective and tells him, you've made a mistake, you've found the wrong fucking woman, I know my wife, she'd never and the detective interrupts him and tells him, I used Skype and I spoke to the housekeeper and I showed her the photo of your wife that you gave me and she confirmed that it is your wife that's been staying there since the day you found the letter that your wife left you in your office and Bruno swallows hard, closes his eyes and asks the detective, is my wife alright, please tell me she's alright and the detective tells him, all the hospital would tell me over the phone is that your wife is stable and Bruno feels relief shoot through him, all he can think is, Leila's alive, thank god she's alive, I need to get to her, I need to be with her and he tells the detective, text me the name and phone number of the hospital and the address and phone number for the house where my wife's been staying and call the housekeeper and tell her she doesn't have to mail that package to me because i'll have 1 of my bodyguards come and get it, i'm going to get a private plane to take me to Mexico, I need to be with my wife.

His heart starts beating faster as he walks towards the cubicle that a nurse has just told him that Leila is in and Bruno sees a big woman, not much taller than him who looks to be in her sixties with grey hair in a bun wearing a white coat walk out of Leila's cubicle and he runs over to the woman and asks her, is my wife ok and she smiles and asks him, who is your wife and he tells her, Leila Hernandez and the woman stops smiling and tells him, i'm Doctor Medina, your wife is my patient, she's stable now, we should talk before you see her and Bruno grits his teeth, feeling impatient, he hasn't seen Leila in 39 fucking days, he doesn't want to wait another minute to see her and he tells the doctor, please Doctor Medina, I need to see my wife then we can talk as much as you want and Doctor Medina shakes her head no and tells him, I needed more information about your wife and since she's unconscious and can't tell me, I called and spoke to the housekeeper that works for your wife, I know you must be anxious to see your wife, but it's important that you hear what the housekeeper told me and i'll explain your wife's condition to you before you see her and Bruno looks at the cubicle that he knows Leila is in and he asks Doctor Medina, why is my wife unconscious and Doctor Medina tells him, our bodies use sleep as a way to heal itself, please come with me and i'll tell you everything I know and Bruno hopes whatever Doctor Medina has to tell him is good and doesn't take long and he tells her, ok, lead the way and she smiles and tells him, follow me and he tells Lonnie and Dave to stay outside Leila's cubicle and Bruno can see that they're not happy about it, but he doesn't give a damn, he can't help thinking that Leila might wake up while Doctor Medina is talking to him and she'll leave and he'll have to look for her again, there's no way he's going to risk losing Leila now that he's finally found her and as he follows Doctor Medina all Bruno can think about is finally seeing Leila again.

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