Chapter 91 Part 1

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the next day

He strokes Leila's side and tells her, it's time for me to leave and she looks at him and tells him, ok and Bruno can tell that Leila's still worried, she's looked worried ever since he told her last night that he was going to see Jaime this morning and he kisses her and tells her, please stop worrying about this Leila and she tells him, i'll try Bruno and he tells her, good and he kisses her and gets up from the sofa and Leila gets up too and she wraps her arms around his waist and Bruno is surprised because she hadn't hesitated to touch him this time and he puts his arms around her and Leila looks at him and tells him, please be careful Bruno and he smiles and tells her, I will, i've got this baby, relax and Leila tells him, Jaime managed to hide her grudge and resentment for you, from you and everyone else for 13 years Bruno so don't underestimate her, she's a snake and Bruno hates how worried Leila is and he tells her, I know and I see who she is now Leila so she won't fool me again, i'm going to make Jaime sorry that she ever fucked with us, you'll never have to see her again, that bitch is no longer part of my family or our lives, it's going to be ok baby and when I get home, we need to talk and he kisses Leila and tells her, I need to go now baby, Lonnie will be in the kitchen if you need anything and Leila tells him, ok, be careful Bruno and he tells her, I promise you I will and he pulls away from Leila and walks to the door and before Bruno walks out of the family room he turns and looks at Leila who's still standing beside the sofa looking worried and he tells her, the only person who needs to be worried today is Jaime, trust me.

He can feel all the anger and hate that he has for Jaime burn through him and Dave tells him as he drives down Jaime's street, the minute Jaime sees you she's going to know that you're onto her boss and Bruno looks into the car wing mirror and he sees that Dave is right, he looks really angry and Bruno blows out a breath and wonders what to do and he remembers that he had hooked a pair of sunglasses onto the collar of his t shirt and he puts them on and he looks into the car wing mirror again and he sees that with the sunglasses on he doesn't look angry anymore, his face just looks tense and Dave stops the car in front of Jaime's house and he looks at him and Dave tells him, putting the shades on was a good idea and Bruno tells him, thanks, this shouldn't take long and Bruno gets out of the car and as he walks to the front door of Jaime's house she opens the front door and smiles at him and all Bruno can think is, you won't be smiling for long you fucking bitch.

He asks Jaime as he follows her into the kitchen, is anyone else home and Jaime tell him, no, Jaimo and his dad have gone for a hike this morning like I told you yesterday afternoon on the phone, it's just you and me here bro, like you wanted and hearing Jaime call him bro has him gritting his teeth but Bruno is relieved that there's no one else here to get in the way of what's about to go down between him and Jaime and he tells her, good and she asks him, can I get you something to eat or drink and Bruno shakes his head no and tells her, no, i'm good and he takes his sunglasses off and hooks them onto the collar of his t shirt and he asks Jaime, tell me why you're such a petty, cruel, vindictive, twisted, fucking bitch and Jaime gasps and asks him, what the fuck are you talking about bro and Bruno snaps at hearing Jaime call him bro again and he goes over to Jaime quickly and pushes her against the wall and puts his left forearm against her neck and he tells her angrily, drop the fucking act Jaime, I fucking know everything and don't ever call me bro again, you were raised with me and my siblings and we treated you and thought about you, like you're our sister, but you're not, you're our cousin, but as far as i'm concerned, you're not part of my family, because no one in my family would ever want to hurt me the way you have and Jaime tries to pull his forearm away from her neck and she tells him, you've lost your fucking mind and Bruno smiles and leans his left forearm harder against Jaime's neck and she starts struggling to breath and he tells her, give it up bitch, I lost my mind thanks to you when Leila left me, but I got both of them back 9 days ago, i've heard the recording of your meeting with Leila and i've read all the text messages between you 2 and Bruno's pleased to see Jaime look scared and he tells her, you're a sick, pathetic bitch to hold a grudge for 13 fucking years because I replaced you as my manager and Bruno presses his left forearm even harder against Jaime's neck and she starts gasping for air and clawing at his left arm and Bruno pulls his left forearm away from Jaime's neck and he tells her as she coughs and rubs her neck, i'm going to make you pay for fucking with me and Leila and Jaime moves away from the wall and Bruno grabs her and pushes her back against the wall and tells her, stay there unless I tell you otherwise.

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