Chapter 23 Part 1

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14 weeks together


2 days later

She feels relieved as she gets off the phone for finally finding someone who can make 4 unicorn pinata's for the kids who will be coming to their party and she tells Bruno who is sitting on the corner of her desk, the unicorn pinata's you want for the kids can be done and will be delivered Friday morning and Bruno grins and tells her, that's great, they'll love them and Leila smiles back at him and asks him, and they're just for the kids, right and Bruno laughs and tells her, of course, but i'll take a swing at 1 of them and show them how it's done and Leila shakes her head and laughs and as she's about to tease Bruno the phone rings and she answers it and she hears Luke say how are you Leila, have you missed me and the happiness Leila was feeling disappears and she asks him, what do you want Luke and she looks at Bruno who doesn't look happy anymore either and he comes and stands beside her and Luke tells her, i'll get to that, the things is, Bruno visited me last week at my office and i've realised from what he said to me that you didn't tell him that I touched your thigh, and what I want is you so if you don't want me to tell Bruno you'll meet me at a hotel.

She can't believe what Luke has just said, but there is no way in hell that she's going to meet Luke and she tells him, you're a pathetic piece of shit and you need to learn to keep your hands to yourself and that we don't always get what we want, i'll tell Bruno myself and Leila ends the call and she turns to Bruno and he asks her, tell me what and Leila knows what she's going to tell him is going to make him angry with her but she has no choice and she tells him, when Luke was here and you asked me when he had left what had happened between us, I didn't tell you everything because I knew you'd flip out and I didn't want you to get into trouble, but Luke said he's realised from what you said to him in his office last week that you don't know and he said if I don't meet him at a hotel then he'll tell you, which I don't believe he has the balls to do, but there is no chance of me ever meeting him anywhere and I won't have what I didn't tell you to be held over my head and she takes a deep breath and looks into Bruno's eyes and tells him, Luke didn't give a shit that we're together because when he asked me out the first time while we were waiting for you here, he said you didn't need to know about it and when you went to the bathroom he asked if I was sure I didn't want to go out with him and he put his hand on my thigh.

He knew when he had seen how uncomfortable Leila looked by whatever Luke was saying on the phone to her and when she had told Luke that she'd tell him herself, Bruno knew he wasn't going to like it and he tells her, I fucking knew it and I told you after you told me he'd asked you out that I felt like I was missing something and you told me that Luke makes your skin crawl and makes you feel uncomfortable to be around him which is why I told you I wouldn't leave you alone with him again and I let it go at that, man, I was fucking stupid, and I get that you were trying to protect me Leila but you should've fucking told me either when I came out of the bathroom and asked you if everything was ok or when Luke left here that day and now he's trying to use that to get you to go fuck him in some hotel, I don't fucking think so and I fucking warned him last week what would happen if he got in touch with you again for any other reason than to reach me and now he's going to find out that I fucking meant what I told him, if there is anything else you didn't tell me, then tell me now.

She knew Bruno would be angry but Leila's never seen him as angry as this before and she puts her hands on his arms and tells him, there's nothing else, I promise, i'm sorry, you have every right to be angry with me Bruno but please, Luke's not worth getting into trouble over, just fire him like you said you would and leave it at that and Leila's surprised when Bruno pulls away from her and he goes and picks up his phone from on top of his desk and he tells her as he walks to the door, I can't do that and she runs after him and catches up with him outside and she hears Bruno say i'll meet you there and he gets off his phone and gets into his car and she asks him, please stay here with me, don't go and see Luke and Bruno looks at her and tells her, I have to go, get into the house and we'll talk when I get home and he closes his car door and feeling desperate to stop him Leila walks in front of his car and stands there as Bruno turns the ignition and he lowers his window and shouts at her, damn it Leila get out the fucking way and she stumbles back shocked to see Bruno look at her with hate in his eyes and she walks over to the front door step and sits down on it and watches Bruno drive away feeling empty and when it starts to rain heavily a few minutes later Leila continues to sit there not caring that she's getting soaked as all she can think about and remember is Bruno looking at her like he hated her.

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