Chapter 60

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4 days later

Tokoriki Island Resort in Fiji

She smiles at Bruno as they walk towards the beach holding hands and she tells him, i'm glad we finally got to have a look around the resort, it's beautiful and Bruno replies yeah and it's bigger than I thought it was and they step onto the beach and Leila lets Bruno lead her and they stop when they hear a woman's voice call out Bruno's name and they turn and see a woman run towards them wearing a black bikini and a big hat that's blocking her face and she stops in front of them and Leila is surprised to see that the woman is Kendall Jenner and she says hi to them both and Leila and Bruno say hi back to her and Kendall tells Bruno, I thought it was you, isn't this resort great and Bruno smiles politely at Kendall and tells her, yeah, we're enjoying it and they hear a man's voice calling Kendall's name and she smiles at them and tells them, i've got to go, my friends are waiting for me, it was great seeing you both and she turns and walks back the way she came and Leila can see that Bruno looks troubled and she asks him what's wrong and he rubs the back of his neck and tells her, Kendall saw my wedding ring and you can bet your ass that either her or 1 of her friends that she'll tell will post about it on their social media and Leila pulls her hand from his and cups his face and tells him, not if we do it now and Bruno smiles and tells her, you're right, lets go and he kisses her and leads her further down the beach.

He looks around feeling fairly confident that they won't be interrupted in the next few minutes and he tells Leila, this is as good a spot as any and Bruno pulls his phone out of his shorts pocket and hands it to Leila and tells her, lets go on Instagram live, which I have no idea how to do and Leila laughs and takes his phone and kisses him and he buttons up his shirt leaving the top 2 buttons unbuttoned and he takes his sun glasses off and sits them on top of his head and Leila asks him are you ready and Bruno tells her, yeah and she hands his phone back to him and takes her sun glasses off and sits them on top of her head like Bruno and tells him, when you're ready to go live just press the red button to start and press it again to end it and Bruno puts his left arm around her shoulders and she leans against him and he tells her, here we go and he presses the red button on his phone and says hey guys we're in paradise on our honeymoon, that's right, we got married and he tells Leila, show them your ring baby and she holds her left hand up and Bruno holds his left hand up and he kisses Leila and turns back to his phone grinning and says, i'm the happiest man in the world and Leila says, i'm the happiest woman in the world and he kisses Leila's head and says, I hope you can all be as happy as we are, later guys, we've got a honeymoon to get back to, if you know what I mean and Leila laughs and Bruno presses the red button on his phone and ends the live video on Instagram and he blows out a breath and pulls Leila into his arms and tells her, that was easier than I thought it'd be and Leila kisses him gently and strokes his neck and asks him, are you ok and Bruno tells her, yeah, I just wanted to tell the world we're married when we got home, I was going to make a bit of a production out of it, but at least they heard it from us first, well hopefully and Leila smiles at him and tells him, you've probably broke Instagram, your social media accounts will be blowing up with messages and maybe Kendall didn't tell her friends or post on any of her social media accounts about us being married and Bruno laughs and shakes his head and tells her, maybe but she's part of a family that isn't known for being discreet and he looks at his watch and tells her, we need to go and Leila asks him, where are we going and Bruno grins and tells her, wait and see.

She smiles as Bruno leads her onto the resorts dock and onto a yacht and a man welcomes them and tells them he's the captain and his name is Harley and he introduces them to the woman standing beside him holding a silver tray with 2 glasses of champagne on it and he tells them her name is Gloria and she's his chief steward and Gloria says hello to them and offers them a glass of champagne off the silver tray she's holding and Leila and Bruno both say hello to captain Harley and Gloria and take a glass of champagne off the tray and Gloria tells them, please take your shoes off and she points to a basket that's by her left foot and tells them to put their shoes into it and she tells them after they've taken their shoes off and put them into the basket, follow me and i'll show you around and they follow her and when Gloria has finished showing them around the yacht and leaves them in the parlour Leila tells Bruno, this is great, I feel like i'm on Below Deck and he laughs and tells her, that's what I was hoping for, I know you love that show and you'd get a kick out of this and Leila laughs and tells him, I am, you know me so well and he pulls her into his arms and kisses her and tells her, we're only on it for today, we'll be coming back to the resort tonight and Leila smiles and tells him, that's fine and Bruno asks her, want to go out onto the deck and sunbathe and she tells him, yeah, lets go and they go onto the deck and Leila takes her white crochet cover up off and puts it onto 1 of the seats which leaves her in just a white bikini and Bruno takes his shirt off and puts it on top of her cover up and they lie down beside each other on the padded cushions that are lying on the deck.

He smiles as Leila leans against him on the large sofa on deck and she groans and tells him, dinner was delicious but i'm so stuffed I may never eat again and Bruno laughs and puts his arm around her shoulders and tells her, me too, and we may not want to eat anything else tonight but we'll be hungry again in the morning and Leila looks at him and asks him are you sure about that and he smirks and tells her, we'll work up an appetite baby when we get back to the villa and she laughs and tells him, you're probably right and Bruno kisses her and he picks up his phone that's lying on the sofa beside him and takes a photo of them and he puts his phone back down beside him on the sofa and Leila asks him, do you have anymore surprises for me and Bruno smiles and tells her, wait and see and he strokes her shoulder and closes his eyes.

She sighs as they walk along the beach with an arm around each others waist and she tells Bruno, thanks for today, sailing around the island was great, it's really beautiful here, the water toys the yacht had were fun and the snorkelling was great and Bruno kisses the side of her head and tells her, i'm glad you enjoyed it, it was a fun day and he yawns and Leila tells him, we need sleep, it's been a long day so lets crash out when we get back to the villa and Bruno tells her, yeah, that sounds good and when they reach their villa, Leila breathes a sigh of relief wanting nothing more than sleep and she takes her sandals off that are covered in sand and leaves them by the door and Bruno takes his flip flops off and places them beside her sandals and they walk into their villa and go straight to their bedroom and Bruno takes his shirt off and lies down on top of the bed in his shorts and Leila takes her white crochet cover up off and lies down on top of the bed in her white bikini beside Bruno and he pulls her closer to him and rests his hand on her hip and she rests her arm over his chest and Bruno yawns and Leila smiles tiredly at him and tells him, I love you, sweet dreams husband and Bruno smiles at her and tells her, I love you too, sweet dreams wife and she kisses him and rests her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes and Bruno yawns and tells her, I owe you a wake up call like the 1 you gave me this morning so we'll be getting freaky when I wake up baby and Leila smiles and tells him, I can't wait and Bruno tells her, me neither and he strokes her hip and she kisses his chest and falls asleep smiling knowing that Bruno will wake her up with sex and she can't think of a better way to wake up.

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