Chapter 76

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1 week later

She smiles as Bruno walks into the office looking pleased with himself and he walks behind her desk and pulls her out of her chair and lifts her up and spins around with her and he lets her down, kisses her and puts his arms around her waist and she laughs and asks him, what's got into you and Bruno kisses her and tells her, my realtor just called and told me that my house is sold, this is a great week baby, you sold your house on Monday and I sold mine today and he grins and she clasps her hands behind his neck and tells him, that's great Bruno and he tells her, I think you brought me good luck today birthday girl and Leila can't help feeling annoyed as Bruno has mentioned the fact it's her birthday today repeatedly and she knows he's being sweet, but it's getting on her nerves, she had loved him waking her up with sex, giving her breakfast in bed and he gave her the biggest arrangement of flowers that she's ever seen made into the number 27 and the sex in the shower had been great and Leila wishes that's where her 27th birthday and any mention of it had ended and she sighs and Bruno asks her, what's wrong and she gives him a quick kiss and tells him, nothing, it's great that we've both sold our houses and she kisses him and tells him, i'm going to get back to work and she walks back to her desk and sits down and wishes she could fast forward to tomorrow.

He feels fairly sure that he has everything that Leila will need and he walks into the office and puts her wallet, keys and a pair of black sunglasses down on top of her desk and Leila looks at him looking confused and she gets off the phone and asks him, what are they for and he looks at his watch and tells her, i've arranged for you to meet up with your friends to have some girl time at the salon, get whatever you want done and then go and have something to eat with them, you need to leave now though and Leila laughs and asks him, what's the rush Bruno and he tells her, they're expecting you at the salon at 4pm and she looks at the time on her own watch and gets up and tells him, yeah, I need to leave now to make it on time and she picks up her sunglasses, phone, keys and wallet from her desk and walks over to him and kisses him and tells him, thanks for arranging this and he smiles and tells her, you're welcomed baby and he puts his arm around her waist and walks out with her to her car and he tells her when she gets into her car, please don't come home before 7:30pm and Leila asks him, why, what are you up to Bruno and he gives her a quick kiss and tells her, just promise me that you won't come home before 7:30pm, 8pm at the latest and Leila shrugs and fastens her seat belt and tells him, fine, I promise and Bruno smiles feeling relieved and tells her, good, have fun baby, drive carefully and he gives her a quick kiss and closes her car door and waves at her as she drives away and he looks at the time on his watch and sees that he has 10 minutes before the caterer and florist are suppose to arrive and he has some decorating to do for Leila's surprise birthday party.

She sees Lonnie standing outside the gates and she stops her car and leans out of her car window and asks him, what's going on and he walks over to her car and tells her, I need you to put this blindfold on and she sees he's holding a black silk scarf and he looks uncomfortable and she laughs and tells him, you must be joking and he shakes his head and tells her, I wish I was and she can see that Lonnie is serious and Leila feels confused and asks him, why do I need to put a blindfold on to come home and he tells her, I can't tell you, Bruno told me to get you to wear the blindfold and drive you through the gates and along the drive way and Leila sighs and tells him, fine and she unfastens her seat belt and moves over to the passenger seat and Lonnie gets into the drivers side of her car and holds out the blindfold to her and she takes it from him and ties it around the top of her head and Lonnie asks her, how many fingers am I holding up Leila and she laughs and tells him, I don't know, I can't see a damn thing and Lonnie tells her, good, i'm sorry but Bruno told me to ask you and she tells him, it's ok and Lonnie starts the car and Leila has a feeling that Bruno is throwing her a birthday party and she hopes she's wrong.

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