Chapter 12

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7 weeks together

(mon) 2 days later

She is happy to get home from the hospital and she smiles at Bruno who had stayed at the hospital with her, only going home to change and shave and get toiletries and clothes for himself and some from her home for her and as he leads her into her bedroom with his arm around her waist he tells her, ok, lets get you into bed and Leila can't help laughing and she asks him, where was that bedside manner when I was in hospital and Bruno smiles and shakes his head at her and tells her, you know what I mean and my piggly diggly is off limits until you're well again, so don't try to take advantage of me and she smirks at him and tells him, the thought never crossed my mind and Bruno laughs and tells her, yeah right as he helps her get settled onto her bed and Leila sighs with relief to be able to sleep in her own bed again and she hopes that the room and her eyes will stop spinning around.

She wakes up curled up to Bruno who's sleeping facing her with his hand resting on her hip and she looks at him and notices dark circles under his eyes and Leila feels guilty because he has them because of her as he hadn't slept much when he'd stayed in the hospital with her and now she really needs to pee and although she had learned last night in hospital when she had tried to go to the bathroom by herself and had fallen 2 steps away from her hospital bed because she hadn't wanted to wake Bruno up, she feels she had to try again to go by herself and let him rest.

She moves slowly because any movement makes her feel damn awful and as she turns and gets to the edge of the bed she sees Geronimo sitting by her side of the bed with his tongue hanging out looking happy to see her and he sits up and she moves forward and rubs his head and ears and kisses the top of his head and tells him quietly, it's good to see you G and she asks him, is there any chance you can give me a helping paw and she laughs quietly as he cocks his head at her like he's thinking about it.

She manages to stand up and take a small step forward and Leila stops as her eyes and the room seem to spin more and she loses her balance and falls back onto the bed which wakes Bruno up who sits straight up asking what's going on, are you ok and Leila sighs and tels him, I lost my balance, i'm sorry I woke you up Bruno but I really need to go to the bathroom and he asks her, you tried to go by yourself again didn't you and without another word he gets up and helps her out of bed and to the bathroom where just like in the hospital he waits outside the bathroom for her and helps her back to bed when she comes back out with Geronimo walking beside them.

As the day goes on Leila feels guiltier about Bruno who is not only looking after her but also doing as much work as he can on his phone and Ryan is covering for her at the office while she's sick and he's been keeping Bruno in the loop by phone and he's sitting with Bruno in the kitchen getting him to sign papers and go over things that need his attention.

She breaths a sigh of relief as she gets off the phone with her mom and dad after assuring them yet again that she's taking it easy and that her friend is staying with her and taking good care of her and that they should stay in Boston and not risk catching this virus from her by flying to L.A to come look after her and Leila watches as Bruno comes into her bedroom and smiles at her as he walks in and he sits on the bed beside her and strokes her hair and tells her, Ryan's left, I had him pick up some groceries and he asks her, do you feel like eating and he tells her, Jaime sent over some chicken noodle soup and although she doesn't feel hungry she knows he's worried about her and she tells him, I could eat to make him happy and Bruno grins and kisses her and tells her, good, i'll go heat it up.

She hadn't felt hungry at all but her taste buds had woken up along with her appetite with the first spoonful of Jaime's chicken noodle soup and Leila's surprised when she manages to finish the bowl of soup but she refuses Bruno's offer of another bowl of soup or something else to eat as she doesn't want to push her luck and she tells him, thanks, I needed that, i'm going to call and thank Jaime and ask her for the recipe.

It's nearly 11pm and she looks over at Bruno's 2 bags of clothes and toiletries sitting in her bedroom that Ryan had brought over earlier for him and she looks at Bruno and tells him, I really appreciate you being here for me and taking care of me but like I told you in the hospital you're taking a risk staying with me Bruno, I don't want you to catch this virus from me because it really sucks and your going to run yourself ragged if you keep this up and she stops talking when Bruno holds her hand and tells her, i'm fine, don't worry about me, you've taken care of me when i've been sick, so let me take care of you, plus i'm already exposed to the virus so if i'm going to get it then i'm going to get it, which is why I told you in the hospital before we left this morning that it makes sense to let me stay with you and take care of you and not expose any of your family or friends to it, so just take it easy and concentrate on getting better sweetheart and Leila smiles and tells him, you're too sweet and too good to me but if it gets too much, please tell me.

He should be sleeping but instead he's watching Leila sleep curled up to him with her arm over his waist and Bruno's glad she's letting him stay and take care of her because he doesn't want to let Leila out of his sight because he can't forget seeing her lying on her kitchen floor and how it had scared him, so there's no way that he would've let her keep him away while she's sick, he's too worried about her even though the doctor said she should be fine in 5 to 7 days, her balance is off, she couldn't walk in a straight line to save herself, she can't even shower by herself, not that he minds in the slightest showering with her Bruno thinks smiling but she's dizzy all the time and although he has never experienced it, having her eyes and the room feel like they're spinning around sounds weird to him and there was the fact that she's not eating much, which he understands for now, but it's one more thing to worry about and he hopes tomorrow she'll start eating more and feeling a bit better because he hates seeing her sick.

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