Chapter 53

178 5 0

Fri 6 days later

She laughs as Bruno dips her low as they dance and he pulls her back up and pulls her tight against him and they grind against each other and the song ends and Leila kisses him and tells him, that she needs to go to the bathroom and they walk back to their seats in VIP where 2 of her friends and some of Bruno's band and 2 of his friends are sitting with their partners and dates and Leila grabs her handbag from her seat and her friend Holly asks her are you leaving and her friend Dee Dee tells her, you can't leave girl, this new club is lit and Leila tells them both she's only going to the bathroom and they tell her, we'll come with you and they pick up their handbags and get up and walk beside Leila and make their way through the VIP section and go to the bathroom.

He smiles politely at his friend Brody's date, Bruno can't remember her name but she's told him she loves his music and his shows that she's been to and he thanks her and agrees with her that this new club is great while he keeps scanning the crowd looking for Leila who'd gone to the bathroom with her friends and he wonders what's taking them so long.

She walks back into the VIP section and stops in her tracks as she sees Bruno sitting close to Laney, his friend Brody's date and Dee Dee and Holly tell her to relax and Bruno looks over at her and smiles but Leila can't move and she doesn't smile back at him and he stops smiling but keeps looking at her and she tells her friends that she needs a few minutes to herself and to go back to their seats and she turns and walks away.

He gets up and asks Dee Dee and Holly as they walk towards his table, where is Leila going and they give him and Brody's date a dirty look and Dee Dee tells him, she'll be back, you should choose who you sit beside more carefully and they walk past him to their seats without another word and Bruno walks away from his table and Lonnie and Dave follow him as he looks for Leila and he walks through the club and sees her sitting at the bar and he walks towards her and she sees him and gets up and walks away and he runs to catch up with her and he manages to grab her arm and she turns to him and pulls her arm away and he asks her what the fuck is going on and Leila narrows her eyes at him and tells him why don't you go back to Laney, you 2 looked awfully fucking cosy and she starts to walk away from him and he grabs her by the waist and pulls her into 1 of the vacant privacy pods that the club has and he shuts the door and locks it and asks her what the fuck are you talking about.

She can see the confusion on Bruno's face and Leila laughs and tells him, you're a smart guy so don't play dumb with me, you can't tell me that you didn't see Laney drooling over you, you can't tell me that you didn't see that she wants you and she sees the surprise on Bruno's face and says damn, you really didn't see it.

He rubs the back of his neck and moves closer to Leila and she steps back from him and Bruno stops and asks her why are you mad at me and why are you jealous when you have no reason to be, I can usually tell when a woman is interested in me but when she sat down beside me, I was watching for you coming back from the bathroom which is why I didn't see Laney's interest in me and Bruno laughs and tells Leila, I couldn't even remember her name and Leila tells him, i've never been a jealous person before but the way I saw her looking at you and sitting close to you made me jealous and angry and if i'd seen any interest from you towards her then we'd be over, I love you but I won't share you with another fucking woman and Bruno replies I love you too baby, you're the only woman I want and there is no fucking way i'll ever share you with another man and he moves quickly to her and puts his hand behind her neck and kisses her and pulls her against him because despite Leila being angry her jealousy has turned him on.

She tries to break their kiss and pull away from Bruno but he backs her up against the wall and pushes her dress up and rips her thong off and strokes her kitty and Leila moans against his lips and the fact that she's turned on pisses her off and Bruno lifts her up and slides inside her and fucks her fast and hard and he pulls his lips from hers and kisses her neck and she wraps her arms around his shoulders and sinks the fingers of her right hand into his hair and wraps her legs tighter around his waist and Bruno grips her waist tightly and kisses her again and her orgasm shoots through her and she pulls her lips from his and screams his name and digs her nails into his shoulders and Bruno thrusts even faster in and out of her and shouts her name as his orgasm hits him and he leans heavily against her, breathless just like her and Leila closes her eyes and wishes that they'd never come to this club tonight.

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