Chapter 101

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2 days later in Hawaii

She wishes she and Bruno were still at home having sex and having a lazy morning in bed instead of spending the morning with his dad at his home and Leila knows she's not being fair, but she feels uncomfortable being around Bruno's dad, she still feels embarrassed and ashamed that he knows she took an overdose and without any of Bruno's family here there's no way to avoid Bruno's dad who had insisted on spending this morning just with them and he'll spend tomorrow afternoon with Bruno's brother Eric and his wife and their 3 kids and Leila wishes they were here now because she knows that although Bruno is talking to his dad and keeping his attention off her, that's not going to last and Leila hopes she can act like she's ok and Bruno tells her, you need to try these scrambled eggs that Pops made baby, they taste great with the hot sauce in them and Leila smiles at Bruno and she looks at the plate of scrambled eggs and bacon that Bruno's dad had put down on the table in front of her, food is the last thing she wants, but she knows she has to try to eat and Leila hopes her appetite wakes the fuck up.

He says a silent prayer that Leila will eat her breakfast, even though Bruno can tell she's forcing herself to eat since he's seen Leila do it often enough when he'd coax her into eating, which usually made her sick and Bruno hopes Leila won't be sick this time since she hasn't eaten since breakfast on Friday, she needs to eat, but because he'd told Leila over a month ago that he wouldn't try to coax her into eating anymore when he knows she's not hungry, he's just been asking Leila at meal times if she's hungry and letting it drop when she tells him she's not, it's been fucking hard not trying to coax Leila into eating and not getting on at her about not eating, but he knows it's because she feels uneasy around his family and she can't stop worrying about 1 of them coming after him like Jaime did and neither can he, it's why he's been eating less, but at least he's fucking eating, but he's more worried about Leila not being able to eat and Bruno's disappointed when Leila puts her fork down and stops eating, she's barely touched her breakfast and Bruno knows that this can't go on, they can't stay in Hawaii until Tuesday morning, he's going to arrange for them to fly home today where they can both relax and Leila will get her appetite back and eat.

He wonders what's taken Leila so long, she had insisted on clearing the table and she'd refused his and his dad's help and had said she'd bring them more coffee, but she should be back by now, but Bruno wouldn't be surprised if Leila is taking her time in order to be away from his dad because he knows she feels embarrassed and ashamed that his dad knows she took an overdose and his dad asks him, are you alright Bruno, you look worried son and Bruno shrugs and tells his dad, i'm ok Pops, i'm just going to see what's taking Leila so long and he gets up from his chair and walks across the backyard and goes into the house and makes his way to the kitchen and Bruno's filled with fear when he sees Leila lying on the kitchen floor and he shouts her name and runs over to her and he drops to his knees beside her on the floor, hugs her and calls her name and Bruno breathes a sigh of relief when he feels Leila's breath against his neck and he lifts Leila up as Lonnie, Dave and his dad come into the kitchen and his dad asks him worriedly, what happened Bruno, what's wrong with Leila, should I call for an ambulance and Bruno stands up with Leila in his arms and he shakes his head no as he carries Leila out of the kitchen quickly with Lonnie and Dave following him and he tells his dad as he heads to the front door, I don't know Pops, i'm going to take Leila to the hospital and his dad tells him, i'll come with you son and Bruno shakes his head no and tells his dad, stay Pops, i'll call you when I know what's wrong with Leila and his dad tells him, ok, just remember that i'm here if you need me son.

He feels useless, all he's done since he got to the hospital with Leila is answer questions, no one is telling him anything and he's losing his fucking patience, he needs to know what's wrong with Leila and if she's going to be ok and Bruno watches the doctor examine Leila and he stops and says something quietly to the nurse who is standing beside him and she leaves the room quickly and the doctor picks up the clip board that's hanging on the bottom of the bed that Leila's lying on and he starts writing on it and the nurse comes back pulling a metal stand and carrying a tray with medical looking things on it and a bag of clear liquid and she stands beside the doctor and Bruno's had enough of being kept in the dark and he asks the doctor, what's going on, do you know what's wrong with my wife, is she going to be alright and the doctor tells him, i've gathered from what you've told me, that you and your wife are visiting your family which you're both finding stressful and people deal with stress in different ways, some people drink or take drugs and some people eat more or less and some people comfort eat or like your wife they don't eat and it's not wise for your wife not to eat with the anti depressants she's on and it's not good for her anaemia either, her blood pressure is quite high and she's dehydrated which is why i'm going to get some fluids into her through an IV, but she must start eating again, if she does then she should be fine and the results from her blood test should tell us if there's anything else going on and Bruno watches the doctor cleans his hands, put a pair of gloves on and take a needle and tube from the tray the nurse is holding and he puts the tube into the back of Leila's right hand and the nurse attaches a bag of fluid to the end of the tube and hangs the bag of fluid onto the metal stand and the doctor tells him, don't worry, your wife's in good hands and should wake up soon, i'll be back to check on her shortly and the doctor and nurse leave and Bruno strokes Leila's hair, holds her left hand and tells her, I need you to wake up and be ok baby.

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