Chapter 91 Part 2

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He walks into the house and he hears voices, but he can't tell who's talking and he can't hear what's actually being said and Bruno follows the sounds of the voices and he stops outside the family room and he hears Lonnie say, I think you've taken what Bruno said the wrong way Leila, Bruno should be home any minute now, please stop drinking and hearing that Leila is drinking worries him and Bruno runs into the family room and he sees that Lonnie looks worried and he sees Leila sitting on the floor crying in front of the sofa with Geronimo lying on the floor beside her and she has a bottle of SelvaRey Rum in her right hand which looks to be about 2 thirds full and Leila drinks some of it straight from the bottle as he asks her as he walks over to her, please don't drink anymore Leila, you know you're not suppose to be drinking and Lonnie tells him, i'm sorry boss, I found Leila like this when I came to tell her that you were on your way home, i've been trying to get her to stop drinking but she keeps saying that you gave her the kiss of death before you left this morning and nothing matters anymore again and Leila looks at him and tells him, you should've just left me in Mexico and she takes another drink of rum and Bruno sucks in a breath feeling hurt from what Leila's just said to him and he tells Leila, never and he tells Lonnie, go, i've got this and Lonnie leaves the family room and closes the door and Bruno puts everything that he'd taken from Jaime down onto the coffee table and he tries to take the bottle of SelvaRey Rum from Leila and she screams no at him and puts the bottle of rum behind her back and Bruno's fine with it there, for now and he kneels down in front of Leila and asks her, what's wrong baby and Leila sniffles and tells him, although it's not always the kiss of death for relationships when someone tells their partner, we need to talk, i'm betting it is for us after everything that's happened, it's ok, I don't blame you Bruno, i've hurt you and now that you've dealt with Jaime, it's my turn, I deserve it, so just get it over with and i'll leave quietly, I won't cause you anymore trouble and Leila wipes her tears away with her fingers and Bruno feels shocked and angry and he grits his teeth and tells Leila, you're not fucking going anywhere and he pulls Leila forward and she tries to pull away from him but Bruno is able to keep his hold on Leila easily with his left arm and he grabs the bottle of SelvaRey Rum that Leila had put behind her back and he throws the bottle against the wall behind the sofa and the bottle shatters and Geronimo runs over to the other side of the family room and Bruno narrows his eyes and asks Leila angrily, where the fuck did you get that shit that you just spewed from and Leila tells him, from you Bruno and Bruno feels stunned and confused and he lets Leila go and he tells her, I never said any of that shit, none of that is true, damn it.

She can tell that Bruno is upset and Leila tells him, before you left to go and see Jaime, you told me that we need to talk when you get home, I was stupid to hope that we could go back to how we were, but I get it, I don't deserve you and i've caused you too much pain for that to happen and I need to pay for that, just like Jaime and Bruno pulls her to him and tells her angrily, i've had enough of this shit Leila, I have no intention of making you pay for what happened because that's all on fucking Jaime, not you, I know you were trying to protect me, you're mine damn it, i'm never letting you fucking go Leila, I love you and what I wanted to talk to you about when I got home is everything Martha told me yesterday and Leila feels the pain and misery that she's felt from thinking that Bruno was going to dump her and want a divorce go away and she feels so relieved and Leila's breath hitches and she tells Bruno with her voice thick with tears, I love you too, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry, i'm sorry for everything and she starts to cry loudly and Bruno wraps his arms around her and rubs her back and tells her, you've got nothing to be sorry for baby.

He hasn't heard Leila cry in a couple of minutes and Bruno's glad that she's stopped crying and he tells her, you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened Leila and she tells him quietly, I don't know if I can, I tried so hard to stop Jaime from hurting you and I couldn't and everyday we were apart i'd wonder what you were doing and i'd pray and hope that you weren't in too much pain and that you were ok and taking care of yourself and when I woke up in hospital the first thing I noticed was that you've lost weight, you look tired and have dark circles under your eyes and you'd grown a beard, because of me and Bruno kisses Leila's head and tells her, that's not your fault, I missed you so much, it was hard to sleep without you, I wondered everyday what you were doing and i'd hope and pray that you were ok and you'd come home to me, and if you want to play the blame game Leila then blame me, I didn't have a clue that Jaime hadn't gotten over me replacing her as my manager and she used you to hurt me and in the process she's hurt you so fucking much and Leila pulls back from him a bit, looks at him and tells him angrily, you're not responsible for the actions and behaviour of that fucking petty bitch not being able to handle losing a job, that's on her, not you Bruno and Bruno loves seeing some of the old Leila in her angry defence of him and he smiles and tells her, it's not your fault either Leila, Jaime blackmailed you, she used you to hurt me and I know you tried to stop her and I know the last thing that you wanted to do was to leave me, she's hurt you more than she's hurt me, please see that everything that Jaime has done to us and put us through is on her, because if you continue to feel guilty about it, that gives her power over you and us and she wins Leila and he asks her, hasn't Jaime taken enough from us and Leila tells him angrily, the hell she does, that damn bitch isn't winning anything or taking anything else from us and he tells Leila, good, now you're singing my tune baby and Bruno smiles feeling pleased with himself.

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