Chapter 106 The Epilogue

330 10 14

11th November 2044

24 years later

She leans back against Bruno as he stands behind her in the shower with his arms wrapped around her, they're both breathing heavily from their 2nd round of sex that morning and Leila's surprised that they'd managed to have the wake up call of sex that she'd woken Bruno up to and have sex here in the shower without being interrupted, that never happens and Bruno kisses the left side of her neck and tells her breathlessly, let me get my breath back baby and then we're going for round 3, lets get it while we can before our tribe wakes up and Leila laughs and she tells Bruno breathlessly, the kids are awake, I made them breakfast and paid the triplets $100 each to keep an eye on the other kids before I came back to bed and woke you up, you've probably jinxed us now and Bruno tells her, nah, i've got a good feeling about this Leila, we can get another round in before any of the kids come for either of us and Leila turns around and she clasps her hands behind Bruno's neck and tells him, you sound so sure about that, your confidence has always turned me on Bruno, but you know what the kids are like, we'd be pushing our luck to try and have sex again and Bruno strokes her ass and pulls her body closer to his and Leila feels Bruno's erection against her stomach and Bruno tells her, i've been lucky since the day I met you, we've got this baby and Bruno kisses her and strokes her kitty and Leila moans and she pulls her lips from Bruno's and says his name and Leila hears their 4 year old daughter Tamryn shout for them and Bruno says damn and asks her, did you lock our bedroom door and Leila pulls away from Bruno and tells him, yeah and she shouts back to Tamryn, i'll be there in a minute sweetie and Leila can see the same disappointment on Bruno's face that she's feeling and Leila kisses Bruno hard and quick and tells him, later horndog and as she steps out of the shower Bruno tells her, i'm going to hold you to that when the kids go to sleep tonight baby and Leila looks at Bruno's body and tells him, lucky me.

He couldn't have asked for a better day, he and Leila had renewed their wedding vows for the 2nd time to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary at 11am this morning, the same time they'd gotten married at and renewed their wedding vows on their 1st wedding anniversary and having all their kids there to see them renew their wedding vows again had made it extra special, damn, he's just as much in love with Leila now as he was when he married her and Bruno sees Jaimo swing his and Leila's youngest daughter Tamryn up into his arms and she giggles and tells Jaimo, again and Jaimo does it again, Jaimo is a fine young man who is living his dream by playing baseball for the dodgers, just like his nephew Liam and Bruno's reminded of how things have changed in the last 24 years... 3 months after he and Leila celebrated their 1st wedding anniversary he succeeded in ruining Jaime's business, Jaime sold her business for peanuts to pay the IRS and went bankrupt and 5 months after that her husband Jesse asked for a divorce and Jaimo chose to live here in L.A with his dad who got married again 9 years ago to Celia who Jaimo loves and Bruno bets that burns Jaime's ass and Eric and his sisters have been distant with Jaime ever since they found out she'd lied to Tiara about Leila and no one in his family has seen Jaime in 23 years, his family exchange cards at Christmas and birthdays with Jaime and that's it and Jaime has stayed away from L.A like he'd told her to, but when Leila's with him when he has shows in New York, she doesn't eat or sleep, all Leila can think about is finding Jaime and beating the shit out of her, even after all these years, but Bruno gets it, he and Leila still hate Jaime with a passion and they probably always will.

He looks at what he's set up in the family room and Bruno smiles feeling pleased with himself and his brother Eric walks into the family room and comes over to him and tells him, you live in a damn zoo bro and Bruno laughs and Eric asks him, what's with the massive tv and how the fuck can you and Leila hear yourselves think with 7 kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats, a tortoise and a rabbit and Bruno smiles and he tells Eric, mind your business bro, I love it and Eric shakes his head and tells him, home really is your happy place, despite the madness here, it works for you and Leila and you never look as happy and relaxed as you do when you're with Leila and the kids and when they're not with us on the road, you're not yourself Bruno and it's obvious that you miss them like crazy and Bruno looks at some of the photos in the family room of him, Leila and their kids and he tells Eric, I love having Leila and the kids with me when i'm touring, but when they leave, they leave a big fucking hole and Eric tells him, I know bro and Bruno forces a smile and he tells Eric, make yourself useful big brother and come help me get everyone in here and Eric laughs and tells him, that's going to be easier said than done since your kids are all hyped up and Bruno smirks and he tells Eric, partly why my kids are hyped up is because they're itching to get in here and Eric asks him, what's going on and Bruno smiles and he tells Eric, wait and see.

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