Chapter 10

547 11 2

4 days later (fri)

She is feeling off, not sick but she doesn't feel right and Leila hates the tension between herself and Bruno who has been staying out of the office as much as possible since their falling out on Monday and when he is there like now, they say as little as possible to each other and she hates it being like this between them and Leila wishes she could get past her pride and find the right words to explain to Bruno why she feels the way she does and doesn't want to be his girlfriend.

He can't stand the awkwardness and silence with Leila anymore and he had wanted to talk to her over lunch but she'd told him she wasn't feeling right and was skipping lunch and Bruno decides fuck it, they need to work this out and he tells Leila, I hate us falling out, I miss you and i'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said about us dating other people and from the start i've thought of us as exclusive, I don't want to be with anyone else, but I need to know why you don't want to be my girlfriend, is it something i've said or done or something ...or... someone else.

She is relieved that Bruno has broken the silence between them and she tells him, Bruno i've missed you too and i'm sorry, I don't want to see anyone else and i'm glad you don't want to see anybody else, because that would have been the end of us and there is no one else but you and i've been letting what happened with Damon come between us and i'm sorry for that as well and Bruno's look of confusion tells Leila that the time has come for her to tell him what she hasn't told anyone else.

She takes a deep breath and tells Bruno, the first 3 months of dating Damon was great, but from the moment I became his girlfriend everything changed, he changed, he didn't like me working for you or you being 1 of my best friends and he didn't like some of the things I wore or having a girls night out as he was sure not that other guys would hit on me and that I would cheat on him and he checked up on me all the time asking where I was, what was I doing, who was I with and it was worse when I was on tour with you and I was hoping when the tour was finished that I could convince him that he had nothing to worry about and he would relax and go back to being the guy i'd met, but then that last show you did in Las Vegas where Damon turned up out of the blue, well when I left with him after the after party and went back to his room he went off on me and was accusing me of all sort of things, which i'm not going to get into and you called to check on me and when I got off the phone with you Damon was livid that i'd answered your call and he threw a glass at me, missing me by inches and that's when I broke up with him and I know you're not like Damon and I know i'm not being fair to you, but i'm scared to be your girlfriend because I never want another relationship like that and i've never known you when you've been in a relationship Bruno, so I don't know if you're controlling and possessive like him when you are, I can't say i'll always feel this way and I hope I won't, especially not with you and she asks him, can you please give me time to work through this and Leila hopes Bruno says yes.

He gets up from his chair and walks over to Leila and pulls her out of her chair and into his arms and he tells her, I never liked your ex, he's a damn fool who has no idea how to be with a woman let alone treat her and Bruno pulls back just enough to see Leila's face and he tries not to show how angry he is and he asks her, did Damon ever hit you and Bruno is relieved when Leila tells him, no and he tells her, look, I can be possessive but i'd never try to control you or tell you who you can or can't be friends with or what you can or can't wear, I don't want to change you or own you Leila, I just want to be with you, I want you just the way you are, and if it's time you need, then you've got it.

She feels relieved and she tells Bruno, thanks and he tells her, I need to know why you didn't come to me that night in Las Vegas and tell me what had happened with Damon and Leila can't help laughing and she tells Bruno, if i'd told you then you would have killed him and she's shocked when Bruno tells her, I still fucking might.

It feels good to be back to normal with Bruno and Leila feels relieved to have finally told him about what had happened with her ex and now at home she showers washing the sex she'd had with Bruno before she'd left him off and she puts a baggy t shirt on afterwards and lies on top of her bed wanting nothing more than sleep.

She wakes up to total darkness and without opening her eyes she stretches her arm out and switches on her bedside light and she opens her eyes and Leila immediately regrets it as her eyes and the room feel like they're spinning around which is a strange feeling and she gets out of bed slowly feeling light headed and she goes to the bathroom slowly, stumbling and trying not to trip over her own feet and after relieving herself and freshening up she goes into the kitchen thinking that maybe all she needs is something to eat as she hasn't eaten anything since the day before and she makes grilled cheese and sits down at the breakfast bar with it and a glass of milk and she's only taken 2 bites when she feels sick and she barely makes it to the bathroom in time where she is violently sick and after brushing her teeth she goes back into the kitchen and reaches for her glass of milk when everything goes black and she falls onto the floor.

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