Chapter 18

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3 days later

It has been hard to sit beside Luke Harvey the new head of promotions for SelvaRey Rum who makes her skin crawl and while waiting for Bruno to get to the office he had hit on her despite knowing full well that she's involved with Bruno as he had told her that Bruno doesn't have to know and they could go out and just see what happens and have some fun and she'd told him that she doesn't play those games, she's not interested and Leila had thought that during Luke's meeting with Bruno to talk about new promotional ideas that it would be forgotten about but Bruno has just gone into the bathroom and Luke turns to her and asks her, are you sure you don't want to go out with me and he puts his hand on her right thigh and she jumps up and tells him, keep your damn hands off me and Leila hears the bathroom door open and she turns as Bruno walks toward them and she tells him, i'm going to get coffee would you like some and he tells her, i'd love some and Bruno looks between her and Luke and asks her, is there a problem Leila and she forces a smile and tells him, no and leaves the office quickly needing a few minutes to gather herself and resist the urge to slap Luke.

He is glad the meeting with Luke is over and he's gone, because now as Bruno sits on the corner of Leila's desk waiting for her to get off the phone he can find out what had happened while he had been in the bathroom between them because he knows something did he just doesn't know what, yet.

She can tell Bruno wants to talk to her and she smiles at him as she gets off the phone and tells him i've got another caterer for you but if you want to use them you'll have to let them know as soon as you can about the catering you want and Bruno tells her, thanks i'll let them know later this afternoon, now tell me what happened between you and Luke.

She knows Bruno can be like a dog with a bone so Leila tells him about Luke hitting on her and asking her out and that she made it clear to him that she's not interested in him or in going out with him but she didn't tell Bruno that Luke didn't seem to care that they're together or that he'd put his hand on her thigh and Bruno tells her, I understand now that you were annoyed Leila and it pisses me off that Luke did that and he asks her, are you sure that's everything that happened because i've seen how you react and look when guys hit on you from when you were on tour with me and I feel like i'm missing something here and she looks at Bruno and tells him, there's something about Luke that makes my skin crawl and makes me feel uncomfortable to be around him.

He can see that Leila is tense and uncomfortable which had been almost exactly how she had looked when he had come out of the bathroom and had known something had happened earlier between her and Luke, but what Bruno couldn't see that he had saw then is anger and he gets up from the corner of Leila's desk and walks over to her and pulls her up from her chair and wraps his arms around her and Bruno can feel the tension in her and he rubs her back slowly and kisses the left side of her neck and tells her, relax baby, I won't leave you alone with Luke again and after a few minutes he feels Leila relax against him.

It feels good having Bruno hold her and rub her back and Leila wishes that they could stay like this and then she hears Jaime saying Tiara told me in Hawaii you 2 couldn't keep your hands off each other and I see that she was right and Leila tries to pull out of Bruno's arms as she turns her head and says hi to Jaime but Bruno tightens his hold on her and says to Jaime, hey sis what are you doing here and Jaime tells him, I came to have lunch with you 2 which I brought and she holds up a large bag she's holding and tells them, feed your passion later, come and feed your stomachs now and she leaves the office and they hear Jaime tell them, get your asses to the kitchen or i'm giving your share to Geronimo and they look at each other and smile and Bruno tells her, I love you but I could eat and Leila tells him, I love you but I could eat too, so lets go and they kiss and go to the kitchen holding hands.

She feels so full from lunch with Jaime and Bruno that Leila would rather go and lie down for a while, but no she sighs as she sits down at her desk there's work to be done and she picks up the phone and Bruno tells her, wait and she puts the phone down and he tells her, i'd planned to tell you this over lunch but I didn't want to do it in front of Jaime, i'm sorry I was late this morning but I had to see my lawyer and he walks over behind her desk and stands beside her and tells her, I had him void the non disclosure privacy agreement that you signed as part of your contract and Leila can't believe it and says what and Bruno smiles gently at her and tells her, i've been feeling guilty that I can if I wanted to, talk about you or us to anyone but you can't do the same even though we're together and that's not fair and I trust you Leila and I know you'd never betray me, so this way if I piss you off, which of course will never happen, but if I do, you can talk to someone about it and Leila feels overwhelmed and she gets up from her chair and hugs Bruno and when she pulls back she tells him, thank you for trusting me, you won't regret it and Bruno tells her, I know that baby and kisses her. 

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