Chapter 64

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2 days later

She looks at the Christmas tree that they'd bought that morning and she thinks they've done a good job decorating it and the family room and Bruno plugs in the Christmas tree lights and they twinkle and change colour and Bruno walks over to her and stands beside her and puts his arm around her shoulders and tells her, we did good a good job baby and she agrees with him and tells him, only 10 days until Christmas and we've only got a few presents in that we bought this morning and Bruno tells her, lets go Christmas shopping tomorrow morning and Leila smiles and tells him, good idea and you can help me choose presents for the guys then we can split up and go shopping for each other and meet up for lunch and Bruno grins and tells her, sounds good and you can help me choose presents for the girls and she kisses him and tells him, deal, now all we need to do is decide whose family we're spending Christmas with and Bruno tells her, lets alternate it, we'll spend this Christmas with your family and spend it with mine next year and Leila asks him, are you sure and Bruno smiles and tells her, yes, we can go spend 2 or 3 days with my family before Christmas and leave them on Christmas Eve and go to Boston and be with your family and she kisses him and tells him, thanks, I'll call my mom and let her know, she's going to be be over the moon and they pick up the boxes that the Christmas decorations were in and take them down to the basement.

He watches Leila hang the last framed photo of them and she walks over to him and stands beside him and asks him, what do you think of our wall and Bruno grins and tells her, I love it and he looks at the wall above the fire place and sees photos of them that were taken on their wedding day and he looks over at the 4 framed photos of them on their honeymoon that he'd taken that are sitting on top of his piano and he looks at the wall opposite the fire place that has framed photos of their families hanging on it and he hugs Leila and tells her, it feels like home in here now and Leila agrees with him and asks him, are you ok and he smiles and tells her, i'm fine baby and she looks at her watch and tells him, I need to go baste the lamb again and she kisses him and walks out of the family room and he blows out a breath and calls himself a fool for not asking her again and he decides that after dinner he'll ask her and get it over with, she'll either say yes or no, he just hopes it doesn't bring up bad memories for her.

She knows something is bothering Bruno as he was too quiet while they ate dinner and desert, she knows he's still mad about the paparazzi coming at her on Friday night and at TMZ for showing video of it online but she has a feeling that they're not what's troubling him now and she watches him as she hands him the last plate and he puts it into the dishwasher and he asks her is that all the dishes and she smiles and tells him, yeah and he closes the dishwasher and turns around and she steps in front of him and clasps her hands behind his neck and kisses him and he grabs her ass and kisses her back and she pulls her lips from his and asks him, will you tell me what's bothering you and he tells her, there's something I want to talk to you about and you might not take it well, I don't want to upset you Leila and she can see that he looks as uneasy as his words have made her feel and she kisses him gently and tells him, knowing something is bothering you upsets me, so just say whatever it is you want to talk to me about and we'll deal with it.

He can see that Leila is nervous, but they've come too far for him to back out now and he tells her, I want to talk to you about us having a Christmas house warming party and he sees fear on her face and feels Leila stiffen up and she pulls her hands away from him that were clasped behind his neck and steps back from him and he says her name and steps towards her and she steps back from him and tells him, I wish I could say yes but I just can't, all I can think about is what happened at our last party and it scares me Bruno and he steps forward and pulls her into his arms and kisses her head and tells her, nothing bad will happen baby, we'll have extra security and only the people that we invite will be allowed through the gates, I won't leave your side.

She looks at Bruno and can see the worry on his face and she tells him, we can't never throw another party because of what happened last time, I can't live in fear and it's not fair to you, so lets do it and Bruno asks her are you sure and Leila forces herself to relax and asks him, are you sure we can arrange a Christmas house warming party when there's only 10 days until Christmas and Bruno strokes her back and tells her, i'll arrange everything, all you have to do is text whoever you want to invite to be here next Saturday at 8pm which we should both probably do now, give them a little notice and Leila laughs a little and tells him, you're not going to be able to get a caterer at this time of year with 5 days notice and Bruno grins and tells her, I know but i'll figure something out, don't worry about it and he kisses her and tells her, just leave it all to me.

He smiles as he walks into the family room and sees Leila asleep on the sofa with her arm over Geronimo and he walks over to the sofa and he takes a photo of them with his phone and he puts his phone down onto the coffee table and he rubs Geronimo's head and tells him quietly to get down and Geronimo gets down off the sofa and walks out the room and Bruno lies down on the sofa beside Leila and rests his arm over her waist and he smiles as she murmurs his name and he kisses her and she smiles and open her eyes a little and tells him, gimme more sugar and he laughs and kisses her again and she buries her fingers into his hair and they stroke each others bodies and Leila gets on top of him and kisses him and grinds against him and he feels his dick get hard and Leila pulls his t shirt up and strokes his chest and she bites and pulls on his bottom lip and kisses his neck and chest and licks and bites his nipples and he groans and says her name and she moves further down his body and straddles his legs and pulls his dick out of his shorts and strokes it up and down slowly and she keeps her eyes on his as she takes as much of his dick that's rock hard now into her mouth and works her mouth up and down on it and he groans and says fuck and grabs her hair and she wraps her right hand around the base of his dick and works her hand up and down with what she can't fit into her mouth and he tells her, I want you naked, now, ride me baby and Leila lets his dick go from her hand and mouth and she gets up off him and stands beside the sofa and gets undressed and she straddles him and kisses him and he strokes her back and he slides his hand down between their bodies and strokes her kitty that's wet for him and she moans against his lips and he stops stroking her kitty and he takes hold of his dick and slides it inside her and she rides him slowly and he smacks her ass and she moans and pulls her lips from his and rides him faster and he strokes her breasts and he leans up and sucks her nipples and flicks his tongue over them and smacks her ass again and Leila moans his name and Bruno kisses her and thrusts his hips up and Leila cries out his name and scratches his shoulders as she comes and Bruno lets himself go and grips her hips as he thrusts harder and faster in and out of her and he shouts out her name as his orgasm goes through him and Leila lies down on top of him breathing heavy just like him.

She gets off of Bruno and lies down beside him and he looks at her and asks her, are you ok and Leila smiles and tells him, i'm fine horn dog and asks him, are you ok and he grins and tells her, i'm all good baby and she laughs and tells him, yes, you are and she kisses him and tells him, now that we've had sex in here that just leaves your studio and the 4 guest bedrooms for us to christen and Bruno laughs and strokes her back and tells her, we'll get to them and he kisses her and she strokes his jaw and tells him, I love you and Bruno smiles and tells her, I love you too and she smiles and asks him, want to share a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie with me Mr Hernandez and Bruno kisses her and tells her, i'd love to Mrs Hernandez and Leila smiles and tells him, i'm going to go freshen up then i'll be back with that popcorn and drinks for us and Bruno tells her he wants a beer and she kisses him and gets up off the sofa and picks her clothes up off the floor and walks out of the family room.

She yawns as she gets into bed and lies down beside Bruno and she rests her arm over his chest and he rests his hand on her hip and tells her, I want you to know that it's ok if you change your mind about us having a party, I don't want you to feel like you have to have this party for me and I don't want you to worry about it or feel stressed about it and Leila kisses his chest and tells him, i'm doing it for you and me and although i'm not crazy about it and I feel uneasy about it, I won't change my mind about us having it and Bruno kisses her head and tells her, we're going to have a great party and you're going to have fun and she smiles at the confidence in his voice and tells him, if you say so and Bruno tells her, I do say so and she strokes his chest and hopes he's right.

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