Chapter 97

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4 days later

She shakes her head at Geronimo who is making her feel guilty and she tells him, knock it off with the sad eyes already and Leila sighs and she gets 2 of Geronimo's dog biscuits out of his biscuits jar and she gives them to him and she tells him, i'm a sucker when it comes to you and your daddy looking at me with sad eyes and Leila laughs at how quickly Geronimo eats his dog biscuits and she tells him, damn, you inhaled those, savour the flavour G and she goes back to making breakfast and Leila hopes that Bruno is still sleeping or at least still in bed when she takes breakfast to him.

She can hear Bruno talking as she gets closer to their bedroom and she hears him say, we need this time to ourselves, it's going great Phil, it's so fucking good to have Leila back and have her all to myself, I think it's going to be quite a while before her virus goes away and Bruno laughs and Leila feels uneasy and she wonders how much Phil knows and she walks into the bedroom with Geronimo following her and Bruno smiles at her and tells Phil, there's my beautiful wife with breakfast for us, I gotta go man and he ends the call as she puts the tray down on top of their bed and Leila busies herself by taking the tray she's been carrying out from under the top one and she puts Bruno's breakfast of a cheese and ham omelette, toast and a cup of coffee onto it and she gives Bruno the tray and he tells her, thanks, this looks great baby and Leila sits down on her side of their bed and puts her tray that has the same breakfast as Bruno's on it onto her lap and she tells Bruno, thanks, eat it while it's hot and Bruno tells her, thanks for leaving me a note so i'd know where you were when I woke up and Leila tells him quietly, I don't want to worry you.

He can feel tension between him and Leila and Bruno doesn't know why or what has caused it, but he knows that whatever the cause of it is, it's affecting Leila because she hasn't touched her breakfast and that worries him, she had been fine when she had woken him up earlier for sex and Bruno wonders what's happened since he'd fallen asleep after they'd had sex and he takes a sip of his coffee and asks Leila, aren't you hungry baby and she shrugs and tells him, no and he tells her, you need to eat Leila, please try to eat some of your breakfast and Leila tells him, i'd eat if I was hungry but i'm not, so just fucking drop it and Bruno's surprised at how angry and hurt Leila sounds and he picks her fork up from her tray and tells her, you've got to eat Leila and as he's about to cut a bit of her omelette and feed it to her, Leila puts her tray down onto the floor and Geronimo comes over to it and starts eating Leila's breakfast and Leila tells him, that ends that conversation and saves us a repeat of you feeding me and me forcing myself to eat when i'm not hungry to make you happy Bruno and ending with me tossing my cookies and Bruno blows out a breath as he remembers that happening quite a few times and he tells Leila, point taken and he asks her, what's wrong and just when Bruno thinks Leila isn't going to answer him she asks him, how much does Phil know about why I left you and who else have you told Bruno and he tells Leila, I only told Phil that I knew Jaime had made you leave me somehow and I told him to keep it to himself and that included not telling Urbana, he won't tell anyone, I also called him and told him i'd found you while you were sleeping when we were flying home from Mexico and that's all Phil knows and Leila tells him, I know Phil is 1 of your best friends and I understand you needing someone to talk too and confide in Bruno, but Phil's my friend too and he knows more than most and even though you haven't told him everything, I don't know how to be around him now and Bruno can tell that Leila is really bothered about this and he tells her, just be yourself baby.

She looks away from Bruno and tells him, I wish it could be that easy, this is all fucked up, I thought we had been lying to everyone, only your family knew that I left you but not why, my family and friends thought i'd gone away to give you and Jaime fucking space to make up and I thought that our families, friends and your band who you hadn't told that i'd left you, thought we were keeping away from everyone so they won't catch a virus that we told them i've got and now I find out that Phil knows some of the truth and Leila swallows past the painful lump in her throat and she looks at Bruno and asks him, did you tell Phil where or how I was when you found me and Bruno strokes her hair and tells her, no, I didn't tell him baby and Leila closes her eyes feeling relieved and she asks Bruno, please don't tell Phil or anyone else about what I did or where or how I was when you found me and Bruno tells her, I told Jaime about how I found you in hospital and why when I confronted her but I won't tell anyone else and Leila wishes Bruno hadn't told Jaime but since she shouldn't see that bitch anytime soon, she can let that go and she tells Bruno, please don't and she gets out of bed and Bruno asks her, where are you going Leila and she tells him, i'm just going to the bathroom.

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