Chapter 83

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3 days later

He wakes up on the sofa in the family room where he'd slept last night as he'd been unable to sleep in their bed without Leila and he smiles and yawns as Geronimo licks his cheek and he rubs Geronimo's ears and head and he yawns and looks at his watch and Bruno is surprised to see that it's almost 11am, Leila should be home now and that thought has him getting up from the sofa and he picks up his phone from the coffee table and runs to the office with Geronimo following him and Bruno stops inside the office door disappointed to see that Leila isn't there and he thinks she's probably in the bathroom or kitchen and he decides to wait in the office for her and he walks over behind Leila's desk and he leans against her desk and runs his fingers through his hair and he rubs his face and groans because he needs to shave, brush his teeth and have a shower but all of that can wait until after he's seen Leila, so she'll just have to put up with his stubble and morning breath.

He yawns and wonders where Leila is as he's been waiting for her for almost 25 minutes now and Bruno looks at his phone and sees that he's not missed any calls or texts from Leila and he looks at her desk and he notices that the laptop isn't on which is unusual as Leila always switches it on as soon as she sits down at her desk in the morning and Bruno wonders if Leila is home yet and he speed dials her phone number on his phone and it goes straight to her voice mail and he hangs up thinking that it's hardly surprising that her phone is switched off as she'd left quickly last night to be with her friend Dee Dee who's having man trouble and she probably forgot to take her phone charger with her and to save her battery she's turned her phone off or her battery is dead and he's about to call her friend Dee Dee when Geronimo barks and Bruno looks over at his desk and sees Geronimo behind his desk and Geronimo barks again and curious to see what he's barking at Bruno walks over behind his desk and Geronimo barks again and walks over to his chair and Bruno sees a white envelope on his chair that he thinks is strange and he rubs Geronimo's head and picks the white envelope up and sees his name written on it and Bruno recognises Leila's hand writing and he tells Geronimo, it looks like our girl has written me a love letter G and Bruno smiles and opens the envelope and he takes the folded over sheets of paper out of it and places the envelope on his desk and Bruno feels like he's had the wind knocked out of him and drops to his knees in shock as he reads Leila's letter to him:


since we got home from Hawaii i've watched you as you've tried to work things out with Jaime and i've seen how not being able to so far has been frustrating you, tearing you apart and making you sad and I know you miss her and having your family on at you everyday about it has been stressing you out and I can't stand by anymore and see you like this when it's because of me.

I know how close you are to your family and falling out with Jaime and arguing with her is hurting you and I can't bare it, when you hurt I hurt, I love you so much but i'm coming between you and your family which is the last thing I ever wanted to do so i'm leaving because i'm scared if I stay and this carries on or gets worse then you'll start to resent me, maybe even hate me and that would kill me.

I want you to be happy, healthy, content and to love and be loved and to continue to succeed and thrive in your career and accomplish everything you want to.

I hope you'll find someone who'll love you for you unconditionally and not for your fame or money, someone who won't cause trouble with your family, someone who'll always think of you and put you before themselves, someone who'll always have your back, someone who'll cherish you, someone who'll make you happy, someone who can give you children when you're ready to have them, someone who'll appreciate you for the wonderful, loving, sweet, giving, thoughtful, funny, multi talented, beautiful, amazing, sexy man that you are.

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