Chapter 8

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4 weeks later

She feels a little nervous about being out with Bruno since they had been caught by paparazzi kissing at the movies last week and now the press and social media were speculating whether for the last 2 years if they've been an item but Bruno tells her that although them being together is now public knowledge and that it had been bound to happen and he'd rather it had come from them directly, he doesn't care that everyone knows about them and although neither of them have confirmed or denied their relationship the best thing to do was to carry on as usual and Leila agrees with him and assures him that just like usual she won't talk to the paparazzi, press, social media or to anybody else about him or them.

It feels reassuring to have Bruno hold her hand as they walk into the restaurant and they're seated by the maitre d who after giving them menus leaves them telling them that their waitress will be with them shortly to take there order and a few minutes later they are greeted by a waitress who can't take her eyes off Bruno, not that Leila can blame her but it's the fact that after taking Bruno's order she takes Leila's order without taking her eyes off Bruno and talks to her with a sour attitude where as she had been all sweetness and light when talking to Bruno and she looks taken aback when Bruno orders a bottle of the restaurants best champagne for them and when she walks away Leila tells Bruno, and another one bites the dust and Bruno laughs and he takes hold of her hands and tells her, nah, she's just being friendly and maybe a little star struck is all and Leila laughs and tells him, oh she wants to get real friendly with you alright and Leila rolls her eyes at Bruno when he asks are, you jealous and she tells him, not in the slightest and that's the truth but she would have been had she seen any interest in the girl or any girl from Bruno.

She is laughing as Bruno seeing a few diners taking photos of them turns his head left and right and he asks her, which is my good side, they gotta get my good side and their waitress comes to their table to serve their desert of creme brulee that they have both ordered and before Leila can reply to Bruno her desert is knocked over onto her lap making Leila jump up from her chair and she starts towards the waitress and tells her angrily, you salty, petty, jealous, thirsty little bitch and Leila stops and gets no closer as Bruno puts his arm around her waist and pulls her back as their waitress apologises which sounds fake as hell and Bruno angrily tells the waitress, I want to see your manager now and their waitress runs off and the manager joins them quickly as Bruno is helping Leila to wipe the desert off her lap and Bruno tells the manager, your waitress has been rude to my date since she started waiting on us which I was going to let slide until she deliberately knocked desert onto her lap he says pointing to Leila and the manager apologises profusely to them both and tells them, I will deal with her, please let me get you another desert and take care of dry cleaning your skirt he says to Leila who refuses wanting nothing more than to go home and the manager tells them, I can't apologise enough and of course you will not be charged for your meal and I hope what has happened here doesn't ruin the rest of the evening for you both.

It was a relief to get home and Leila goes into her bedroom and quickly gets changed into a pair of grey sweat pants and a white vest before joining Bruno in the living room and she sits beside him on the sofa and he pulls her into his side hugging her to him and he kisses the side of her head and tells her, i'm sorry about tonight, how are you feeling and she tells him, Bruno you have nothing to be sorry about, it's not your fault, i'm touched that you were angry on my behalf and i'm angry and I feel humiliated and I wish i'd slapped the bitch, but one things for sure I will not go to that restaurant again and Bruno tells her, me neither.

He gently lifts Leila up from the sofa where she fell asleep while watching stranger things and he carries her into her bedroom and puts her to bed being careful not to wake her up and he gets undressed and joins her kissing her gently and holds her close to him and although going out to dinner hadn't gone well Bruno was glad he had managed to make Leila smile and laugh and just chill on the sofa with him.

He can't do anything that could take back what the waitress had done to Leila, he has never seen Leila angry like that before, not that he could blame her but what she had said to him on their way to dinner about not talking to anybody or the press, paparazzi or on social media about him or them has bothered him and Bruno knows that despite the non disclosure agreement that he'd had Leila sign when he'd hired her, he knows without a doubt that she respects his right to privacy and knows that he prefers to keep his personal life private and she wouldn't say anything to anyone even without a non disclosure agreement, and now that they are seeing each other it feels wrong that he could if he wanted to talk to anyone about her or them if he wanted to but she can't and hes going to fix that.

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