Chapter 7

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15 days together (fri)

1 week later

She is amused at Bruno sitting on the corner of her desk sulking because she's having a girls night in that night at home and he asks her, what are you going to do with them that you can't do with me Leila and she tells him, come on now it's just one night which i'm looking forward to and they'll be face masks, girl talk, chick flick, wine, Chinese food, ice cream and my kitty gets a rest and Bruno groans and tells her, we can do all that together and give your kitty a rest for the night and Leila laughs and asks him, you can do girl talk and he tells her, I could try, how hard can it be and she laughs and tells him, ok, we'll try that 1 night and see if you can.

She is laughing at her phone and Bruno who is sitting at his own desk going through his inbox asks her, what's so funny and she tells him, oh just these TGIF memes Dwayne has sent me, he cracks me up and Leila is surprised to see that Bruno doesn't look happy.

He knows Leila is tight with his band since touring with them and it's when Dwayne had started sending her memes but like then and now Bruno doesn't like it and he blows out a breath and asks her, has Dwayne ever made a move on you and he can see the surprise on Leila's face and he's relieved when she tells him, thankfully no, that would feel beyond awkward as he's like a brother to me just like the rest of your band are like a brother to me, they're great guys but the only hooligan I want is you and hearing that makes Bruno happy.

She is trying her best to ignore Bruno as he stands behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist and his head is rested on her shoulder and he's nuzzling her neck as they look at the five shirts that Versace has sent to him and all she can think is these are some ugly ass shirts but Leila knows that Bruno will look damn good wearing them as he could wear a trash bag and not only make it look good but hot and yet he will wear every one of these shirts happily despite how ugly they are and love them which makes Leila think not for the first time that when it comes to fashion well ugly ass shirts at least, that he could do with getting his eyes tested.

She's snapped out of her thoughts when Bruno trails his finger down her chest and she picks up the letter opener off her desk and turns and holds it in front of his groin making him back up from her and he tells her, be careful with that baby and Leila's glad to see him look worried and she tells him, our first rule from now is that when we're in the office we keep our hands and lips to ourselves and she asks him, got it and Bruno cocks his head at her and tells her, come on, you can't be serious and she moves the letter opener closer to his groin and tells him, Bruno I have work to do for you and i've fallen behind because of you, so no more work and play, I just want to get my work done and play later when i'm done and I get it, we're in the shiny, new, horny stage of our relationship but please let me work.

He can tell Leila is serious and she's right as he's been stopping her from working whenever he can, but he just can't get enough of her and he tells her, ok, i'll behave when we're in the office and Bruno sees that he's said the right thing when she pulls the letter opener away from his groin and she smiles and tells him, good as she places it back onto her desk and even though he knows Leila wouldn't have hurt him with the letter opener, Bruno is relieved that she's not holding it in front of his groin anymore.

It's as they start to walk out of the kitchen after having lunch when Bruno pulls her into his arms and tells her, we're not in the office now and he kisses her and they are so caught up in each other that they jump apart a little when they hear Eric who they hadn't heard come in shouting break it up already and she tries to pull out of Bruno's arms feeling embarrassed but Bruno tightens his hold on her so she forces herself to relax and she says hi to Eric who says hi back and Eric looks at them both smiling wide and he tells them, you two have just won me $100 from Jaime, I bet her over a year ago that you two would get together, took you 2 long enough though and Bruno laughs and Leila tells Eric, it's early days and Eric laughs and tells her, you could of fooled me when I came in as I called both your names repeatedly and neither of you heard me.

She couldn't get out of the kitchen quick enough and leave Bruno and Eric talking, she feels embarrassed about Eric catching her and Bruno making out and finding out that Eric and Jaime have had a bet on whether she and Bruno would get together had surprised her and Leila could have done with not knowing about that and now she's sitting at her desk again trying hard to distract herself from what had happened in the kitchen with work.

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