Chapter 72 Part 2

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He feels relieved as he watches Leila park her car and she gets out and walks to the house and he walks over to the door of the family room and watches as the front door opens and she walks into the house looking tired and Geronimo goes to her and Leila kneels down and hugs him and rubs and pats his sides and smiles as he licks her cheek and she rubs his head and tells him, I missed you too G and Bruno steps forward and asks her, what about me, i've missed you too, have you missed me Leila and she stops smiling and looks at him and tells him, I started missing you from the moment I drove away this afternoon and he walks over to her and she stands up and he pulls her into his arms and tells her, i'm so glad you're home baby, i've been worried sick about you, it's nearly 11pm, and he asks her, where have you been all this time and Leila tells him, i'm sorry you were worried, mostly I just drove around and I sat in a couple of car parks drinking coffee and Bruno sighs and tells her, I tried calling you for nearly 2 hours after you left, I only stopped because I found your phone in the kitchen, I called all your friends to see if you were with them and Leila pulls away from him and tells him, i'm sorry Bruno, I didn't mean to worry you and he smiles and tells her, it's okay, you're safe and home now, that's all that matters and Leila looks sad as she tells him, I wish that was all that mattered and Bruno knows she's talking about what happened this afternoon and he tells her, i'm sorry, I was wrong to ask and expect you to try and make things right with Jaime when she's the 1 who's damaged your relationship with her.

She knows Bruno's apology is genuine and she tells him, i'm sorry too, I was wrong to blow up on you the way I did and Bruno looks relieved and asks her, can we let this go now and Leila wishes she could, but she can't, despite her fear of losing Bruno she tells him, I wish we could, but we can't and she rubs her eyes and tells him, I feel gross after being in the car for 9 hours, so i'm going to have a quick shower and put something comfortable on, then we'll talk and Bruno tells her, ok and he asks her, did you mean it when you said maybe we should've just stayed friends and Leila can see the hurt on Bruno's face and tells him, no, I said it because I was angry and you'd hurt me, but it's crossed my mind whenever we argue and she walks past him and goes upstairs to their bedroom.

She opens the bathroom door and sees Bruno looking out of their bedroom window and he turns and looks at her and Leila wishes she could go to him but she can't, maybe not ever depending on what he decides after she talks to him and without a word she walks naked into her closet and quickly plaits her hair and puts on an over sized t shirt and takes a few deep breaths before walking out of her closet.

He can tell that Leila is tired and nervous as she stands outside her closet looking at him and Bruno has a feeling that he's not going to like what she has to say and he tells her, you're tired baby, lets go to bed and talk about this in the morning and Leila shakes her head and walks over to their bed and tells him, i'm beat, but as tired as I am, I know i'm not going to be able to sleep until I say what I have to say to you and Bruno hopes that what she has to say isn't going to be as bad as he thinks.

She can tell that Bruno is worried and she tells him, I have baggage, I know the way I was treated when I went back to school after my accident changed the way I am with people and it showed me what I was and wasn't willing to put up with or accept from other people and to make you understand where i'm coming from and show you that i'm not a complete hard ass who cuts people out of her life all the time, you should know that i've cut 2 people out of my life and Leila can see the surprise on Bruno's face and she tells him, when I was 20 my cousin Tina who was like a sister to me, came to stay with me because her apartment was being rewired and she was getting a new boiler, or so she said, she'd been staying with me for 4 days when I got home early and over heard her on the phone in the kitchen telling her boyfriend that I didn't have a clue and that getting a story from me when I and my family had refused to speak to the press or do any interviews after my accident was going to get her a golden star and noticed by her editor, I didn't wait to hear anymore and I walked into the kitchen and took her phone from her and ended the call and kicked her out, Tina was always ambitious but I never thought she'd try to use me like that, I haven't seen or spoken to her since and since every time she asked me about my accident and I told her I didn't want to talk about it, she didn't get the story she was after and the second person I cut out of my life was my so called friend Jasmine when I caught her trying to kiss you and i've never had a moments regret about cutting Tina or Jasmine out of my life.

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