Chapter 24

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5 days later

She winces a little as she pulls her jeans on and Bruno asks her, are you ok and Leila smiles tiredly at him and tells him, after 3 rounds of sex this morning i'm a bit sore is all, i'll be fine, now tell me why I can't go for a nap and Bruno tells her, i'm sorry you're sore baby but you started it with my wake up call this morning and like I told you in the shower I have a surprise for you and Leila sighs and tells him, you've been surprising me since Monday and like I told you when you surprised me yesterday with more flowers and a day at the spa with my friends which was great and I enjoyed, we're ok Bruno, you don't have to keep buying me flowers, treat me to spa days with my friends or keep apologising about what happened on Monday, I know you're sorry about it and regret it, so lets just move on from it.

He has tried since Monday to talk to Leila about looking at her with hate which he never meant to do as the hate he felt then and now is for Luke but she won't talk about it with him because although she keeps telling him that she forgives him and to let it go she refers to the look he gave her as it and she's been looking away from his eyes quickly and he's given her flowers everyday since then but the surprise he has for Leila today is 1 Bruno knows she's going to love and it's better than flowers or a spa day with her friends.

He smiles at her as she walks over to him and Leila clasps her behind his neck and gives him a quick kiss and Bruno puts his arms around her and tells her, I just want to make you happy and although you forgive me, I know you're not over what happened because when you look into my eyes you keep looking away from them quickly and Leila interrupts him and tells him, you do make me happy Bruno and I hope I make you happy too, but I have moments when I can't get the way you looked at me like you hated me out of my head.

He kisses Leila gently and tells her, I swear you'll never see me look at you with anything other than love and Leila tells him, I hope not because I love to see you look at me with your eyes bright with laughter and mischief, dark with lust and solemn and true with the love you feel for me in them and Bruno smiles and tells her, i've got all that in spades for you baby and he kisses her and Bruno pulls his lips from Leila's when his phone pings with a text alert and he gets his phone from the right front pocket of his jeans and he opens the the text message and smiles and tells Leila, your surprise will be here any minute now and Bruno takes hold of Leila's right hand and pulls her from their bedroom ignoring her question of what's the surprise and he leads her to the front door and opens it and a dark blue SUV pulls into the driveway and it stops and her parents and her brother and sister get out and Bruno smiles as Leila hugs him tight and tells him, thank you and she gives him a quick kiss and runs over to her family and takes turns giving them a kiss and cuddle and Bruno can see how happy Leila is to see her family.

He has enjoyed getting to know Leila's family better over lunch and dinner as he's only met them briefly when he was on tour when he had shows in Boston where they live and Bruno knows from how happy Leila has looked since they arrived that arranging for her family to come for a visit was the best thing he could have done, especially as they can't make it to their party next week, but they can only stay until tomorrow afternoon because her parents have work on Monday morning and her brother Jordan who is 15 years old and her sister Olivia who is 16 years old have school.

She still can't believe that Bruno had her parents and her brother and sister fly in for a visit and Leila looks at her parents and tells them, I spoke to you both on Thursday night and neither of you said anything about coming to L.A and they both laugh and her mom tells her, Bruno wanted to surprise you sweetheart and asked us not to say anything to you and we only told your brother and sister on the way to the airport this morning and since Bruno went to so much trouble getting us here on a private plane and having that nice man Lonnie pick us all up and bring us here from the airport, keeping it from you was the least we could do and even though we're leaving late tomorrow afternoon i'm glad we can all spend a bit of time together and get to know Bruno better and Leila tells her mom, yeah, me too.

She hugs Bruno tight when he gets into bed beside her and Leila kisses him and tells him, thanks for bringing my family here and having them stay here with us and Bruno smiles and tells her, you're welcomed baby, but this is our home and your family is more than welcomed to stay here with us, especially as they're not going to be here long and i'm enjoying getting to know them better.

She strokes Bruno's face and tells him, I really appreciate you and appreciate you going to so much trouble to bring my family here, but I want you to stop feeling guilty or feel that you have to make it up to me about looking at me like... you hated me on Monday because even though there are moments when I can't get it out of my head I know that hate wasn't aimed at me and I forgive you so forgive yourself and let it go and Leila kisses Bruno and tells him, I love you and Bruno smiles and tells her, I love you too baby.

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