Part 3

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Marc POV
I can't believe I kissed her back but I'm happy that she falling in love with me, I think I should ask her out tomorrow! You went on ur phone and saw a pic of u kissing y/n. You said to urself "oh no somebody took a pic of us" you looked at Y/n with a worry face.

You looked back at Marc, he looks so worry.
Y/n: what's wrong Marc?!
Marc: a fan saw us kissing and she took a pic of us
He showed you a pic of us.
Y/n: oh no this isn't good!
Marc looks down. You think to urself "wait he shouldn't be worrying about this. He should tell his fans that he falling in love with a girl and make it official"
Y/n: Marc?
Marc looks up at u.
Marc: yes?
Y/n: you shouldn't be worrying about this, you should actually tell ur fans that ur falling in love with a girl and make it official.
Marc: idk..
Y/n: if you don't tell ur fans then this drama won't stop
You got up and about to leave until he grab ur hand.
Marc: I know we just met and all. I couldn't stop staring at u cause ur so gorgeous and I can't stand a gorgeous girl in front on me. Y/n, will you be my lovely girlfriend?
Y/n: Oml yes!
You kissed him again and he kissed back. His friends came to y'all.
Matthew: I saw the pic of u kissing her. Are you guys official?
Y/n: yes we are.
Matthew: well, we are happy for y'all. I hope y'all last together forever.
He smiled and I smiled back.
Y/n: thanks Matthew
Matthew: no problem

A/n: I'm not good at making fanfics but next chapter will have a little bit of drama in it🤭. Y'all better be ready for it

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now