Part 8

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Marc came to your house and walks in ur room, lays down with you.
Marc: I miss being with you babe
Y/n: I miss being with you too
You and Marc watched a movie together. After that, Marc got up to use the bathroom and you saw his phone was ringing, you checked it to see who is it and the name is Devyn, you were wondering why is she calling him? Marc got out of the bathroom and grabs his phone, walks out of ur room to call back to Devyn. You thought to urself "is he talking to somebody already" "is he cheating?" You don't know what's going on. When he came back in ur room and lay down with u again.
Y/n: what did that person need?
Marc: she wants to hang out with me but is it okay if she comes here instead?
Y/n: yeah it's okay
Marc: alright
You weren't happy about this.

- 3 mins past -

Devyn came over to ur house. Her and Marc is talking with her and all. You been in ur room cause you didn't want to go hang out with him. But you went downstairs and you saw Devyn about to kiss Marc, you went up to them and you slapped her.
Y/n: don't even try to kiss my man bitch!
Devyn: he rather kiss a better looking girl!
You had a lot of anger so you pulled her hair and hitting her. Devyn tries to hit you. Marc pulls you away from Devyn.
Jackie: leave my house bitch ! Don't come back
Devyn left the house.
Jackie: wtf happened?
Y/n: she was about to kiss Marc!
Marc: babe.. calm down please
Y/n: I'm sorry baby.. it's just that I hate her and I knew she was trying to ruin our relationship, I didn't want that to happened
Marc: princess, it won't happen I promise.
He kisses ur forehead and whispers 'I love you babe'.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now