Part 65

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It's been 2 hours. Alejandro already left. Kairi didn't leave cause he wanted to stay home with you. You went to the bathroom. Kairi grabs your phone and saw the calls/texts that you have missed from Marc. Kairi is thinking to make him jealous. He has a good idea then puts your phone down. You got out of the bathroom. He gets up and you grab your phone, puts it in your pocket. He grabs your hand and went downstairs, you followed then left the house. You two were walking to the soccer field. You saw Marc and hazel. You rolled your eyes and Kairi looks at you. Marc was already looking at y'all and Kairi kissed your cheek, you smiled. Marc kissed hazel on the cheek too. Kairi pretend to kiss you. You looked and Marc was about to do it. You ran towards him and pushes hazel, Marc didn't notice so he just kissed you instead of her, you kissed back. Marc looks at you.
Marc: I-..
You pulled him back to give him another kiss and he kissed back. It seems like it was a long kiss then you pulled away. Marc smiled and you smiled back. Marc picks you up and takes you to your house. Walked in and walks upstairs to your room then lays you down on the bed. He's on top of you and you see his chain dangling. You bite your lips and he kisses you again, you kissed back but it was a long passionate kiss. He pulled away.
Y/n: I love you baby
Marc: I love you too mamas
You smiled again cause you liked it when he calls you that. He kissed your cheek.
Y/n: daddy being a bad boy
Marc: nahh
Y/n: mhmmm
Marc: mamas I said no
Y/n: okayy
Marc: I missed your kisses
Y/n: I missed your kisses too
Marc: did he really kissed you?
Y/n: no
Marc: oh
Y/n: you almost kissed her
Marc: I know but I kissed a gorgeous girl though
Y/n: who's that?
Marc: you mamas
Y/n: I ain't gorgeous
Marc: yes you are
Y/n: noooo
Marc: then no kisses and cuddles for you
Y/n: okayyyy
Marc: good
Y/n: I hate you
Marc: I love you too
You rolled your eyes and he just smiled at you.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now