Part 56

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It was 5 hour. You finally came home and you walked in. Mathew and Marc looks you, they saw your eyes that had puffy eyes. Marc gets up and walks to you, grabs your chin. Makes you look up at me and you look at him. He felt broken so he hugged you tight and you hugged him back, you tried to not cry again. He rubs your back and whispers "it's okay princess. I'm not mad at you anymore please don't cry again" you pulled away from the hug and looked at him again. He looks back at you. You let your tears out and Marc saw it so he hugged you tight again then he pulls away. Somebody walks in the house, it was 3 guys. You and Marc, Mathew looked at the 3 guys. You took awhile to realize to know who is it and it was your 2 ex boy bestfriend and ex boyfriend. You were shocked and confused about why they are here for. Your ex boyfriend walks up to you.
Adrian: hey
Y/n: what are you doing here?!
Adrian: i can't say anything to you
Marc: who's that?
Y/n: my ex
Adrian: your already dating somebody
Y/n: yeah have a problem with that?
Adrian: no but you deserve better
You rolled your eyes.
Y/n: and you deserve to be grateful for once in your lifetime!
Adrian: bitchy huh
Y/n: mhm
David: dude just leave her alone
Zach: she ain't worth our time
Adrian: you right guys but we have to do it
David grabs your arm and pulls you close to him. Zach grabs his gun and points it towards Marc. Adrian takes his gun out and points it towards Mathew. You tried to move but couldn't. David was holding you tight. You kicked him and David slaps you then pushes you. You fell down and looks. Zach and Adrian wants to kill them so nobody can help you through this. You think that they only want you and want to rape you. You tried to think what to do but you couldn't think of anything. You got up and yelled.
Y/n: STOP!
They looked at you.
Adrian: what?
Y/n: why are you doing this!?
Adrian: I want you back!
Y/n: you hurt me and use me for dumb shit! I actually loved you but I couldn't take you back anymore I'm sorry. You shouldn't treat girls like that cause they don't deserve that!
Adrian: damn
David: dude he's about to get emotional
Zach: for real
Adrian: shut up! I'm not
Y/n: the memories I miss with you guys. How we always FaceTime being stupid, being a dumbass and doing a lot of stupid things with each other. remember the memories that we had, I wish I could go back with that cause I miss it so much, definitely with y'all.
Adrian already couldn't handle the tears. Even David and Zach.
Zach: you really mean that?
Y/n: yeah
David: fuck..
Y/n: so don't kill them please and Adrian please be happy who I'm with.
Adrian: alright then
Y/n: you'll find your soulmate
Adrian nodded. Marc walks to you and holds your hand, you hold it back.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now