Part 61

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You slowly closing your eyes again and passed out. Kairi looks and gets up, leaves the room to tell the doctor what just happened. Kairi went back to the waiting room and sits down. Marc and the boys looks at Kairi, he looks back.
Kairi: what?
Marc: is she okay?
Kairi: I don't know
Mattia: how you don't know?
Kairi: she just passed out again
Marc: oh..
The only reason why you passed out because you had only less blood in you. The doctors put you some blood in you. After that, you started to wake up. The doctors told you that you can leave so you got up and walks out of the room, walks to the waiting room. You looked at the boys. Marc looks at you and gets up, walks to you then hugs you and you hugged back. Then pulled away. Alvaro and Alejandro left already but Mattia walks towards you and hugs you, hugs back. He smiled and you smiled back. Kairi walks towards you and grabs your hand, takes you outside. You followed him. He started to tear up and hugs you, you hugged back. Then he pulled away and still crying.
Y/n: what's wrong Kai?
Kairi: ... Alvaro... got shot..
You felt sad.
Y/n: w-where is he?
Kairi shows u the texts that Alejandro sent and you looked at the address.
Y/n: stay here kai. I'm sorry I have to go there
You ran off to that address. Kairi yelled your name but you didn't even bother look back, you kept running. Mattia and Marc walks outside then looks at Kairi.
Kairi: shes the address...
Kairi couldn't stop crying.
Mattia and Marc looked at each other then at Kairi again.
Mattia: oh no..
Marc: she's gotta be in danger again... we can't lose her.. we gotta go there now!
The boys got in the car then drives off to the address. After minutes past, they finally got there. Walks towards the gang members and the boys saw y/n. She was crying and Alvaro was there but he's still in pain. The boys stopped cause the gang had guns but the boys did too.

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