Part 13

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Marc lays you down and gets on top of you, kisses ur neck. You let out a soft moan.
Y/n: we shouldn't be doing this
Marc: why mamas?
Y/n: my big brother is here.
Marc: so?
Y/n: he'll beat the fuck out of you if we fucked
Marc: ohh okay
Marc gets off of you then you got on top of him, you kissed his cheek and play with his hair. Marc kissed ur head.
Marc: I love you bebe
Y/n: I love you too mi amor
Marc kissed you and you kissed back. You fell asleep on him. Marc play with ur hair.
Marc: *whispers* my beautiful princess
You smiled in ur sleep. Finally, Marc fell asleep.

Ima spam the stories if y'all ask me to

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