Part 55

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Marc: who was that girl?
Y/n: my old bestfriend
Marc: oh but are you and her friends still?
Y/n: nope. She was lying about it cause you were here but when I gave you the look to leave, she went to nice to fucking rude
Marc: damn for real
Y/n: yeah and babe
Marc: yeah?
Y/n: I want Starbucks
Marc: oh alright let's go
Y/n: yay
You and Marc walked to starbucks. It wasn't that far from the house and Marc opens the door for you and you walked in, he followed. You order a (your favorite drink) and Marc order his drink, takes out his wallet and pays for it. You and Marc sit at the table to wait for your drinks. He grabs your hand and kisses it, you smiled. He gets up and gets the drinks, the straws and walks towards you. Gives your drink and you take it, put the straw in it and drinks. Marc did the same thing. You get up and walked out, Marc followed you. He holds your hand and you hold it back. Walking back home and walked inside, sits down on the couch. You put your drink down on the table and looks through your phone. Marc puts his drink down next to yours and sits down next to you, he puts his arm around you. He turns on the tv and watches. You lay your head on his shoulder while still looking through your phone. You saw some edits and you liked it, comment on them then follows some fans. Marc still watches the tv. Mathew and Hazel, Jr walks in the house. They looked at y'all. Mathew and Hazel went to the room. Jr walks to the kitchen and gets his self a snack. You sit up and get up, you put your phone down. Went to the kitchen and walks to Jr.
Y/n: hey Jr
Jr: oh hey
Y/n: I need your help
Jr: what's up?
Y/n: do you have any idea to prank Marc?
Jr thinks and does have a idea.
Jr: use your makeup on your neck and make him think that somebody gave you a hickey
Y/n: that doesn't sound bad but thanks for your help!
Jr: no problem
You walked away and goes back to Marc.
Y/n: babe can you go to the store to get snacks and drinks?
Marc: sure
He gets up and jr walks towards y'all.
Jr: can I come bro?
Marc: sure bro let's go
Marc grabs the keys and walks out. Jr smiled and followed him. They get in the car then drives off. You went upstairs to Marc's room and gets your camera, sets it up then starts recording. You grabbed your makeup and puts it on your neck just a little bit. You looked at the mirror.
Y/n: omg guys. he'll freaked out about this and it actually looks like a hickey
You put your makeup away and hides the camera. Jr and Marc walks in the house and puts the snacks and drinks on the table. Marc went upstairs to his room and walks in. He walks up to you and smiled. He doesn't notice about the hickey on your neck. You smiled back. He pulled your hair back and immediately saw the hickey, he was getting mad.
Marc: who gave you that fucking hickey!
Y/n: you
Marc: noo I haven't!
Y/n: sorry
Marc: wtf!
He walked out of the room with anger and went downstairs, left the house. You grabbed the camera and followed him. You look around to find him and ran to him. Marc looks at you and saw the camera, he had tears in his eyes so you cut the camera off. Jr followed and you grab the camera to him, Jr takes it. You tried to hug him but he pushes you way.
Marc: don't hug me!
Y/n: I'm so-
Marc: keep it to yourself now
He runs back to the house and went to his room. Jr and you looked at each other, Jr went back to the house. You walked away instead of going back to the house.

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