Part 51

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You woke up and sit up, look at your phone since Julian texted you.
Who do you choose?
I think....
Okay cutie
{Reads 8:09am}

You got up and takes a shower then changed. Mattia woke up and looked at you.
Mattia: you look beautiful
Y/n: aw thanks
Mattia: no problem but where you going?
Y/n: just gotta hang out with somebody
Mattia: alright. Have fun
You nodded and left the house. Goes to Julian house and knocks on it. Julian opens the door and looks up and down at you then smiles.
Julian: damn you look beautiful
Y/n: thanks
Julian: welcome cutie
You smiled and he smiled. He moved away from the door, you walked in the house and he closes the door.
Julian: what are you doing here?
Y/n: I just wanna hang out with you again
Julian: okay
You sit down on the couch and he sits down next to you, put his arms around your shoulder. You smiled and lay your head on his shoulder. Turns on the tv and we both watching "Wild n Out". You laughed and Julian laughed too. You looked at Julian and he looks back. You kissed him and he kissed back, kept kissing him, he kept kissing back then you pulled away and smiled.
Julian: why don't you just be my girlfriend right now?
Y/n: okay I'll be yours
Julian: for real?
Y/n: yeah
Julian kissed you and you kissed back. You two smiled each other. You and Julian got up. Left the house and went to the mall. You guys were walking around. Cynthia saw you that you are with Julian, she didn't want to walk up to you so she walked away and acts like she didn't see you. I walked in the store and Julian walked in another store. You saw Ashley and you didn't give a fuck about her but she walked up to you.
Ashley: you're very beautiful tbh
Y/n: thanks
Ashley: welcome wanna be friends?
Y/n: sure
Ashley gives you her number.
Ashley: just for you to hit me up if you wanna hang and who are you with though?
Y/n: with my boyfriend
Ashley: is it Julian?
Y/n: yeah
Ashley: aw cute
You nodded and walked out of the store, goes to Julian. You hold his hand and he holds it back then walks.

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