Part 19

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It was Marcos. You thought about it if you should answer it but you ignore it. Marc looked at you.
Marc: mamas who's that?
Y/n: nobody important
Marc: oh okay
You put your phone down. Marc lays down and you lay on top of him. Marc plays with your hair. Marcos texts you. Marc grabs your phone and opens the texts.
Marc: babe. Really who is this?
Y/n: it's my ex
Marc: why is he texting and calling you
Y/n: I don't know baby but ignore him
Marc kissed your head. Hazel runs in your room and saw y'all.
Hazel: awwww cuties!
You got off of Marc and looked at you.
Y/n: what do you want?
Hazel: let's have a girls night !
Y/n: sounds good to me!
Marc: I'll have a guys night
Hazel and y/n: okay!
Marc gets up and kissed your cheek then leaves your room. You and hazel changed. Hazel took a picture and you did the same thing.

Mathewvalenzuela and 90,263 others likedMathew: 😍😍😍Mathew: MINEEE🥵Hazel: ^all yours❤️

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Mathewvalenzuela and 90,263 others liked
Mathew: 😍😍😍
Mathew: MINEEE🥵
Hazel: ^all yours❤️

Mathewvalenzuela and 90,263 others likedMathew: 😍😍😍Mathew: MINEEE🥵Hazel: ^all yours❤️

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Marcgomezzz and 42,825 others liked.
Marc: gorgeous mamas🤤😍
Marc: your mighty fine 🥵
Y/n: ^all yours papi😳💍

You and hazel went out for dinner then shopping then y'all went to the arcade. You guys saw your mans.
Hazel: ofc they would be here
Y/n: yup
You guys went to play some games until some 2 guys comes up to you and they were flirting with y'all. You and hazel felt uncomfortable. So, you texted Marc.

Y/n: babe I need you cause there's some dudes flirting with us and we're at the arcade
                         Marc: I'm coming mamas!

The 2 guys are still flirting with us then one of them put their arms around your waist, you pulled them away. Marc and Mathew walks up to the guys and punched them.
Marc: don't touch my girl!
Mathew: don't even try to flirt with our girls!
You put your arms around Marc and hazel did the same thing. Mathew put his arms around her then walked away. Marc did the same thing and kissed your head.
Marc: it's okay princess. Your safe with me now
You smiled. You and Marc followed them then you guys played some games and y'all had a good time at the arcade.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now