Part 16

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Marc looks at you.
Marc: just let me explain please
Y/n: ugh fine
Marc: I haven't talk to any of these girls except this one next to me cause she's my ex, I tried to get away from her but she wouldn't let me. The last party, I was in the room with her to talk to her but when you walk in, she immediately kissed me. When you saw that, you left the room, I pulled away to run after you but I couldn't find you. I didn't mean to break your heart.. I'm sorry..
Y/n: it's fine..
Marc: so will you take me back?
Y/n: no..
Marc: wait why?
You point Jessica behind him. He looks behind him then looks at you.
Y/n: she told me that u been with a girl last night then you came in my room just for me to think that you wanna to see me. Well, fuck you marc! Go with that bitch.
Marc: noo let me explain y/n!!
You run out of the house, you were on the road and cried there. Mariano followed you and grabbed your arm, pulls u to the sidewalk.
Mariano: fuck him . He doesn't matter to you anymore. You deserve so much in life
The guys came outside. You saw Kairi's face and you run to him, grabbed his arm and takes him inside to the bathroom. Kairi sits on the sink and you get out a med kit. You were between his legs, clean his face and helped his face gently. Kairi looked at you and smiled. You smiled back
Kairi: why are u doing this?
Y/n: cause I cared
Kairi: awh that's cute u cared
Y/n: done
You moved away. Kairi gets off of the sink. You and Kairi left the bathroom then goes outside with the guys. They all looked at y'all.
Y/n: what?
Mattia: wanna come to my place?
Y/n: sure
Mattia: Kairi you down?
Kairi: yeah!
Mattia: then let's go.
The guys gets in the car and there were no seats left.
Mattia: well you gotta seat on somebody lap.
You sits down on Alejandro's lap and he puts his arms around your waist, you didn't mind it. Mattia smirked on the mirror. You rolled your eyes.

Next chapter will have more drama🤭

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now