Part 24

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It was your older sister.
Y/n: omg im so-
Arissa: omg y/n I missed you !
Y/n: I missed you too!
You guys hugged and walked together telling each other about their life until your sister yelled "Mattia". Mattia runs over to y'all and did his handshake with her. You looked confused. Mattia looked at you and hugs you. You hugged him back.
Mattia: it's my shorty
Y/n: shut up dino but you guys know each other since when?!
Arissa: we known each other since we were in middle school
Mattia: yup
Y/n: you never introduce me to him
Mattia: are you sisters?
Y/n: yeah
Mattia: she did said she has a sister but I never knew it was you
Y/n: ofc she won't say who I am but damn
Arissa: where's the guys at?
Kairi and Alejandro saw arissa, runs to her then hugs her. At this moment, you walked away and you don't know where your going. You were walking then you realize you got lost. You have 20 missed calls from everybody but you ignore it cause you feel sad about what your sister have done to you.

Kairi POV:
Y/n isn't picking it up. Where could she have gone to? This is a big place for you to get lost at. I'm hoping she's okay right now. I can't lose her.

Alejandro POV:
Wtf she isn't picking up. I could tell something is up with her and she was smiling a min ago then it faded away. Where could she be at?..

Mattia POV:
Where did my shorty go? I can't lose her, she's like my little sister. I have to find her before it's too late, I hope she's not in danger. I hope she picks up cause I'm about to lose my mind if she isn't alive no more..

Marc POV:
Why isn't my princess picking up? She always does but this time she hasn't. Is she okay? I hope so cause I can't lose my princess again. Probably she got lost or something, i don't know but I wonder where she could be at. I hope she's safe somewhere cause there's a lot of things happening in New York but I hope she's not in danger though.

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