Part 45

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You guys finished the food then you upstairs to take a shower and changed. Went downstairs and left the house to go to the mall. You went forever 21 and looked around to see the clothes that you want. You brought some of them and left the store. You bump into Mattia.
Mattia: yo watch it bitch
You looked at him. He looks back and realize he made a mistake.
Mattia: Im so sorry y/n! I didn't mean it to call you that
Y/n: it's fine but so you calling girls bitch now?
Mattia: no, only my ex's
Y/n: oh okay
Mattia looks at you and you looked back. Mattia leans in and kissed you. You were shocked for what he did and you didn't kissed back.
Mattia: I'm sorry y/n.. I should go now
Mattia walked away and you walked away too. You didn't know what just happened but you can't tell Marc about this cause he'll get mad about it. Went to other stores then left the mall. Went back to the house and went upstairs to my room, puts my bags down then sits down on the bed. You thought to yourself "why did Mattia did that? Does he like me?". You kept thinking about it and you don't know if he likes you or not. Marc walks in the room and saw you, walks up to you. He kissed you and you kissed back.
Marc: so hows the mall?
Y/n: it was good
Marc: good
He smiled and you smiled back. To be honest you were fake smiling to him but he doesn't know. Marc left the room and left the house with the boys. Suddenly, Mattia texted you and you thought to yourself again "should I open it or ignore it?".

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