Part 59

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Kairi: he's in danger...
Y/n: WAIT WHAT?! We gotta go safe him!
Kairi: okay but we can't take you with us
Y/n: why not!
Kairi: cause you'll get killed
Y/n: I don't give a fuck! He's my boyfriend and I gotta be there !
Kairi: he doesn't want you to get hurt
Y/n: please Kairiii
Kairi: fine let's go
You and Kairi got in the car then drives to that sketchy area. He parks the car then gets out, you did the same thing. He walks in this building and you followed. You kinda recognize some gang members. The 2 guys who tried to rape you, are here too. One of them saw you and gives you a glare then smirks, you already lost Kairi but the guy is walking towards you. You started to walk away but he grabs your arm and pulls you close to him.
???: don't walk away from me
He kisses your neck and you pushed him away. You saw Kairi and ran to him, grabs his arm. You were close to him and he looks at you. Kairi goes outside and you followed. He walks behind the building and you followed him. You and Kairi stop walking because you guys saw Marc but they have him tie up. Julian walks towards you and smile. You looked at Marc then look at Julian.
Y/n: let go of him!
Julian: why should I do that?
Y/n: cause I said so and you can have me instead of me
Julian: ooh guys untie him up!
The guys untie him up and the other guy grabs your arm and sits you down on the chair then tied you up. Marc looks at you with a worry face. You looked back then look away. The other guy put his gun towards your head.
Julian: you gotta listen what I say
You nodded. Mattia and Mathew came through too. Mattia walks towards you but the guy was about to pull the trigger. Mattia stops and takes out his gun and points it at Julian. Marc pulls out his gun and points it at the guy. Julian did the same thing but points it at Mattia.
Y/n: tie me up so I can do something to Julian
You smirked at Julian and the guy ties you up but little did they know, you weren't gonna do anything to Julian so, you punched the dude and the other guys too. You take the gun away from Julian and points it at Julian. Julian looks at you.
Julian: you wouldn't dare
Y/n: I will
Julian: you love me
Y/n: oh I do?
You were sarcastic about it and you shot him twice. You dropped the gun and you were shocked that you shot somebody. Marc runs towards you and hugs you, you hugged back. You guys hug for awhile. You pulled away and Marc kisses you, you kissed back then both of you smiled.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now