Part 36

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You and Marc went back to the house. Marc grabbed your hand and kissed it. You smiled a little. Mathew and hazel looked at y'all.
Hazel: are y'all dat-
Y/n: no. were just friends
Marc: we need a break from dating
Hazel: oh okayy but y'all good though?
Y/n: yeah
Mathew: don't ruin it again Marc
Marc: this time I won't.
Mathew: good
You whispered in hazel ear "they gay for each other"
Hazel: how
Y/n: they kissed on the cheek like always
Hazel laughs and said : wtf
Mathew and Marc looked at y'all.
Marc: what?
Y/n: you guys gay
Mathew: we ain't
Y/n: then why do you guys always kiss on the cheek?
Marc: no comment
Y/n: I told you hazel
Hazel: omg ew !

I'm sorry it's short. I'm at school right now so I'll do it later when I get home

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