Part 32

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Y'all left the fair and went to the bar. Little don did you know Arissa was there with the boys. You went to use the bathroom and Arissa walks to the table. You got out of the bathroom and you saw Arissa kissed Marc. He pulled away then looks at you. You walked up to her and punched her.
Y/n: you kissed Carlos, Mattia and now my man! That's some hoe shit but don't try me bitch!
Hazel: you think it's cool to kissed somebody man! No it isn't bitch
Mattia and the guys walks up to y'all.
Mattia: you shouldn't have done that!
Y/n: ur on this bitch side!
Mattia: yes!
You grabbed his wrist and whispers "meet me at the park". You look mad. Mattia left to go to the park.
Y/n: baby don't follow me but see you later
Marc was about to say something but you left and went to the park, you sat down on the bench. Mattia sat down on the bench too.
Y/n: why are you on that bitch side
Mattia: I know she kissed your man but she seems like a wonderful person and I don't get it why you hate her so much!
Y/n: she's so kind and wonderful out there but when I was there part of their family, I thought I was special. The way she treated me in that family, she wanted to be the only girl.. she hits me for no reason
Mattia: damn I'm so sorry you been through that
Y/n: it's fine tho
Mattia kissed your cheek and hugs you, you hugged back. You get a texts by your bestfriend and you broke in tears.
Mattia: what's wrong?!
You give your phone to him and he reads the text, he was mad about it. He pull you closer to me and hugs you, rubs your back then whispers "it's okay". Mattia calls Marc.
Marc: ba-
Mattia: get over here!
Marc: where?
Mattia: the park
Mattia hang up and Marc goes to the park, runs to y/n but Mattia gets up and step in front of her.
Marc: what's going on?
Mattia: did you slept in bed with her bestfriend?
Marc: n-no what are you talking about?!
Y/n: then what is this!
Shows you a video of my bestfriend in your bed.
Marc: it's not what it looks like!
Y/n: why Marc! I loved you and this is what I get from!
You got up and pushed him. Kairi and the guys, hazel came out of nowhere. Mathew helps Marc up.
Marc: I'm sorry!
Y/n: keep saying it cause I don't care and I'm gonna play hard to get !
Hazel: she saw the video didn't she ?
Marc: yeah
Hazel: he didn't slept with her
Y/n: yes he did!
You walked away and the guys followed her. Kairi flipped them off then runs to Y/n, hugs her from behind.
Kairi: it's okay. You don't need them or him
You smiled a little.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now