Part 26

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It was the next day. You woke up and tried to get up. You look to see who is holding you tight and it was Marc.
Marc: don't leave. I need you to be safe
In a sleepy voice and you thought he was sleep. But you lay back down with him and he holds you still.
Mathew: get up guys!
Y/n: I can't! He won't let go
Mathew: Marc let go of her.
Marc: no
Mathew: Marc we gotta go to the place to meet the fans!
Finally, Marc gets up and takes a shower then changed and you did the same thing. You guys left the hotel and went to the place, when you guys got there, you saw the fans. You took pictures with the fans and did tiktoks with them. But some fan said "you're cancelled".
Y/n: did I ask for your opinion? No I didn't so keep your negativity shit to yourself cause I don't wanna hear that shit
Fan 1: if you don't like her then why are talking to her!
Fan 2: yea what she said!
Y/n: fans ignore her. We don't need her and let's go have some fun!
Marc: that's my babygirl
You did a tiktok with a fan and you throw it back, Marc saw you so went up to you and grabs your waist, pulls you away.
Fan 1: aww overprotective boyfriend
Fans took a video of you and Marc. You tried to leave but he was holding you tight. You hit his hand.
Marc: don't hit me again or else
Y/n: or else what
Marc: you getting the punishment
You hit him again.
Marc: ok your getting it
Y/n: don't care but let goooo
Marc lets go of you and you ran off, you bump into Cynthia.
Y/n: I'm so sorry Cynthia
Cynthia: it's fine and I'm sorry for flirting with your man.
Y/n: it's fine, I forgive you.
Cynthia: why were u running?
Y/n: cause I'm getting away from Marc !
Cynthia laughs and said: I heard about your sister, sorry to say this but she's a bitch
Y/n: I know she is
Little did y'all know Arissa overheard what you guys said.
Arissa: so I am a bitch?
Y/n: yup
Arissa: your adopted
Y/n: at least they wanted me
Cynthia: damnn!
Fans: oh shit!
Y/n: yeah don't say shit. You think your all that when you really ain't. You think your better, pretty and kind. You definitely ain't, your a whole ass bitch, that's what you are! I'm sick of you treating me like shit, I'm tired of being like this and tell your mom and dad that I left the family! Bye bitch
You walked away and told the security guards to kicked her out. You saw a fan taking a picture with Marc and you walked up to them. -After mins past-
You and Cynthia, other people gets on stage.
Fan 1: are you and Cynthia still hate each other?
Y/n: no. We made up so we're friends
Cynthia: yeah
Marc and Mattia doesn't look too happy about this.
Fan 2: y/n, who will be your roommate if you had to move out?
Y/n: Kairi! He's so funny and generous person you'll meet.
Fan 3: this question is for both of y'all. Who will you marry in the future?
Cynthia: probably Mattia
Y/n: Marc
Fan 2: hope he doesn't break your heart again
Eric: he will one day
You didn't know Eric was there but what you heard from him was sad. You ignore it and fans starts to ask questions or tells us to some crazy shit.

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