Part 6

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Marc POV
Y/n hasn't been texting me lately. I wonder she still loves me, I can't lose this time. She means everything to me, deep down in my heart I'm in love with her. You saw Matthew coming in your room.
Matthew: what's up bro? You haven't been yourself
Marc: it's about y/n.
Matthew: what's about her?
Marc: she haven't text me lately.. i don't know does she even love me ?..
Matthew: ofc she does. She's probably taking a break or some shit, I promise she'll text you soon.
Marc: I hope so but thanks for you help bro
Matthew: no problem
Matthew leaves the room.

I haven't talked to Marc for 3 weeks now and I can't be ghosting him, I miss his smile, his laugh, his voice, kisses and hugs. I need to call him but I'm nervous though, what if he doesn't feel the same way anymore or whatever. You called Marc and he picked.
Marc: b-babe?!
Y/n: I'm so sorry for ghosting you. I just haven't been myself lately.
Marc: it's fine. I forgive you princess, I miss hearing that beautiful voice!
Y/n: awh I miss hearing your voice too
You guys been in a call for 4 hours and you ended it cause you needed to help your family with something.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now