Part 35

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You walked up to Kairi and kissed him. He kissed back then put his arms around your waist. Marc was looking at you when you did that. Marc stormed off. Mathew and Hazel walks to you.
Mathew: wtf !
Hazel: this isn't you
Y/n: And this isn't you hazel! You knew about Marc in that bed with some bitch. You couldn't tell me any sooner huh!?
Mathew: don't treat her like that!
Y/n: friends suppose to tell each other things but keep it away from them!
Hazel: I'm sorry!
Y/n: you sure about that
Hazel: I am
You grabbed hazel arm and take her outside to talk.
Hazel: it won't happen again. I'm so sorry, I should've told you. I didn't mean to hurt you.
Y/n: it's fine but just please tell me without keeping it to yourself
Hazel: I promise I will tell you
You hugged her and she hugged back then walks back inside. But you left the party to go find Marc and went to a river, walks to him. Then sits down next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at you.
Y/n: I know you saw me kissing Kairi and your probably hurt about it. I just wanna say I'm so sorry to do that but I'm still hurt after what happened and I still love you. Seeing all these girls all up on you.. makes me jealous cause I want you all to myself but I can't get that though.
You get up and walks away. Marc gets up too and runs to you, grabs your arm. You looked at him and he looked back.
Marc: I know you think I broke the promise and I shouldn't have done that to you cause I hurt you. I'm sorry but I don't like these girls who's always up on me, I don't want them, I only want you. The only thing that I was in her bed was helping her with her school work but she was acting suspicious. She was on top of me and grab my hand towards her butt. Suddenly her friend was there and took a video already. I pushed her off of me and I was gross out. I told her why do this. She said "I'm a good upgrade than her". I was like no she's a beautiful person and I love her so much. I know you believe the video and hazel thought it was real that I hurt you. I will never do that to you cause you know how much I love you!.. you probably hate me now
Y/n: I will never hate you and thanks for telling me what actually happened.
Marc: no problem
You kiss him on the cheek and he smiled a little.
Marc: Also, I miss your kisses
Y/n: ofc you do and I miss your kisses too
Marc: but-
Y/n: I know what your gotta say but let's take a break of relationship. I promise we will be back together
Marc: okay . I can't wait to be yours again!
Y/n: you're so cute when you get so happy
Marc smiles.

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