Part 42

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Hazel screamed. You and Marc woke up, you got up and run downstairs. Marc followed you. Eric and Marcos came back to get you. Marcos had hazel by the neck.
Marcos: if you don't want me to kill her then let me take y/n
Marc: no way taking my girl with you
Marcos: then say goodbye to hazel
Y/n: stop! I'll go with you
Marc: are you crazy?!
Y/n: I have to
You whisper in his ear for the plan that you are making and Marc looks at you.
Marc: be safe..
Marcos let go of hazel and grabs your arm, takes you out of the house. Eric followed. Marcos puts you in the car and he gets in. Eric gave u something and you had to drink it, you passed out. After a couple hours, you woke up in this strange place and you look around, you don't know where you are at then you realize you were tie up, you couldn't move or anything. Marcos and Eric came downstairs, walks towards you. Marcos grabs your neck and kisses you, you didn't kiss back. Marcos notice that so, he hits you.
Marcos: kiss me bitch
Y/n: no!
Marcos grabs your neck again and holds it tight.
Y/n: f-fine..
Marcos stops then kisses you again and you kissed back. Eric was behind you and put his hands on your boobs. Marcos slide a tongue in your mouth and you did the same, you felt uncomfortable. But they don't know that you had your location on. Marc and Julian, the nj boys came to that location that you at. Marcos and Eric heard footsteps, they pulled away from you and they looked at you. Marcos slapped you. The boys came downstairs. Mattia yelled 'get away from her!'. Eric grabs his gun and put it where Mattia is at. Mattia did the same thing. Marcos untie you and grabs your neck. Mattia shoots Eric and he fell down. Marc and Julian walks towards Marcos. Marcos puts the gun towards my head.
Marcos: I'll do it!
You cried

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