Part 58

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You were still asleep. Marc was just playing with your hair. Marc got a texted by somebody and looks at it, he texted back. Slowly, gets up and leaves the room. Went downstairs to tell the guys that he's leaving. So he left. After a couple minutes past, you woke up and looked around, you notice that Marc wasn't here with you. You got up and went downstairs, goes outside. Somebody walked towards you, gives you something to drink. You didn't know what to do with it so, you drank it but suddenly you felt dizzy and passed out. The guy picked you up to the car and puts you there then he gets in the car, the other guy drives off. You were still passed out. The 2 guys gets out of the car and picks you up then takes you in the house, walks to the basement and they tie you up. You started to wake up and looked around confused. You looked at the 2 guys and you couldn't barely recognize them. You couldn't tell who are they. The guy kisses your neck and the other guy put his hands on your boobs, messing around with them. You couldn't move or anything. You really felt uncomfortable. He stops kissing your neck and lifts up your shirt and bra too. The other guy puts his hands away then licks your boobs, same with the other guy.
You couldn't do anything or even say something because you were scared too. You thought they would kill you or even abuse you.
You looked at them and you recognize them. They were your ex boy bestfriend.
Y/n: stop you fucking dicks!
The other guy didn't stop but his friend slaps you and cuts your arm a little. You screamed in pain.
???: better shut the fuck up!
Y/n: NO
He did it again and you screamed in pain again. The other guy stopped doing it and gets a texts. He told him that they gotta go so they left to do something. You couldn't unite yourself. You heard somebody coming downstairs and you don't know the person but walks up to you. Put your bra and shirt down then untie you up. You got down and looks at him with a small smile, he smiled back. You ran upstairs, went outside then runs off. After couple hours, you were lost because you never been this area before. You couldn't call anybody because you didn't have your phone with you so you just walked to the near gas station so, you can call somebody from there. You walked in the gas station and uses their phone. You called Kairi and he answered.
Kairi: what's up?
Y/n: Kairi.. I'm lost
Kairi: what do you mean??
Y/n: I never been in this area before
Kairi: which is?
You told the street name.
Kairi: wtf are you there for?!
You were scared to tell Kairi what happened.
Kairi: hello?
Y/n: oh sorry.. I was just walking and didn't pay attention where I was going..
Kairi: y/n you don't have to lie. Tell me the truth
You want to tell him but couldn't so you hang up. Left the gas station and walks again. It's been 2 hours, you walked to the park and it was midnight. Kairi went to the park and runs to you, you look at him.
Kairi: why were you there?!
Y/n: um..
Kairi: I'm here y/n tell me
Y/n: i was about to get raped and this guy cut my arm
You show him the cut from your arm when the dude did that to you. Kairi looks at him and looks broken. Kairi was about speak until somebody called him and he answered. After minutes past, he hang up and looks at you with a worry face.
Y/n: what's wrong??
Kairi: um... it's about Marc...
Y/n: what??
Kairi: ......

To be continued....

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